Sunday, July 15, 2012


QUOTE 1: I am 100% in favor of lawfully executing people who deserve the death penalty and 100% opposed to killing people who do not deserve it. [Executions: Why opponents of death penalty cannot win By Jonah Goldberg Wednesday 22 September 2011]

QUOTE 2: We hear so much about the innocent people who've gotten off death row - thank God - because of new DNA techniques. We hear very little about the criminals who've had their guilt confirmed by the same techniques. Death penalty opponents are less eager to debate such cases because they want to delegitimize "the system." [Executions: Why opponents of death penalty cannot win By Jonah Goldberg Wednesday 22 September 2011]

QUOTE 3: Now I don’t want anyone — anyone — to ever be wrongly executed. One misapplied death penalty is one too many. At which point opponents of the death penalty say “Aha. Then you most oppose the death penalty for everyone.”

Really? Must I?

If anything, I’m even more opposed to police accidentally shooting bystanders or shop clerks mistaken for robbers. Well we know that happens. And yet, I’m still in favor of cops carrying guns. I’m against — absolutely against — all sorts of accidental deaths that are the direct result of government messing something up. I’m against Air Traffic Controller errors that lead to deaths, but I’m still in favor of flying and air traffic controllers. It is a scandal, given how much we spend on the death penalty and all the endless appeals, for any mistake to go as far as it has. But why is it that the death penalty is the only government function that must be abolished after a single error? [On the Death Penalty by Jonah Goldberg Posted on September 28, 2011 1:41 PM]

AUTHOR: Jonah Jacob Goldberg (born March 21, 1969) is an American conservative syndicated columnist and author. Jonah Goldberg, a contributing editor to The American Magazine, was the founding editor and is currently editor-at-large of National Review Online. He is a Pulitzer-nominated columnist for The Los Angeles Times. Goldberg is currently a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. His column is carried by the Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Dallas Morning News, and scores of other papers. His first book, Liberal Fascism, was a #1 New York Times and Amazon bestseller and was selected as the #1 history book of 2008 by Amazon readers. He is a member of USA Today's Board of Contributors and previously served as a columnist for the Times of London, Brill’s Content, and the American Enterprise. His writings have appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Commentary, The New Yorker, Food and Wine, and numerous other publications. He is currently a Fox News Contributor. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Jessica Gavora, and their daughter.

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