Friday, July 27, 2012


Six years ago on this date, Michael William Lenz was executed by lethal injection in Virginia for the murder of his inmate, Brent Henry Parker.

CASE: Michael Lenz and fellow inmate Jeffrey Remington were convicted of murdering Brent Henry Parker, 41, a fellow inmate at the Augusta Correctional Center on January 16, 2000. Lenz was serving 29 years for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, four counts of statutory burglary and one count of weapon possession when the murder occurred. Remington was incarcerated on unspecified charges. The homicide occurred during a meeting between inmates who claimed to be followers of a religion called Asatru, were attending a meeting of their "Ironwood Kindred." They were able to hold this meeting in a room with the door closed, as VADOC permits for religious ceremonies. However, an unarmed guard soon saw the two inmates stabbing Parker, who was laying on the floor in a fetal position. By the time backup had arrived to intervene between the five inmates present, Parker was dead, having been stabbed 68 times. Both Lenz and Remington were sentenced to death after separate trials. Remington committed suicide while incarcerated in 2004.

Michael William Lenz

Brent Henry Parker

I feel that the other states in the America should follow Virginia’s example by putting those guilty murderers to death from between five to seven years from their first sentence of death. In this way, it is a swift and sure execution and do not allow them to spend decades appealing their death sentence. Kent Scheidegger wrote in his blog post, Virginia Execution July 28, 2006 8:11 AM: Six years from crime to execution in a non-"volunteer" case is quite an accomplishment. This is the way it should be. That is long enough for a thorough consideration of the case, yet not so protracted as to dilute the deterrent effect and transform a death sentence into a nearly-life-expectancy sentence.

Michael William Lenz is a prison killer. I am personally glad that he is dead, in this way; he can never kill another inmate or a prison guard again.

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