Friday, November 16, 2012


NOTICE: The following article is written by the author itself and not by me, I am not trying to violate their copyright. I will give some information on them. I am researching on what Islam teaches on capital punishment, I will hear from the Imam of Gambia’s State House Mosque

ARTICLE TITLE: Gambian Cleric Supports Capital Punishment
DATE: Wednesday 5 September 2012
AUTHOR: Imam Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty
AUTHOR INFORMATION: Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty

Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty

Wednesday, 05 September 2012 22:56 

(JollofNews) – The outspoken Imam of Gambia’s State House Mosque, Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty, has used his Friday sermon to publicly endorse the enforcement of the controversial death penalty in the country.

Commenting for the first time on the execution by a firing squad of nine death row prisoners including a woman on the directives of President Yahya Jammeh, Imam Fatty told his congregation that the enforcement of the death penalty was in line with the dictates of the Islamic religion.

“Islam decrees death for those found culpable of murder, which is clearly spelt out in the Qur'an and other scriptures before it,” the Saudi Arabia educated cleric said.

“The wisdom of this law in Islam is affirmed by its ability to promote peace and stability in society by deterring those with a proclivity for such gruesome acts. It will also stop people from attempting revenge on those who murder their relatives which would have spawned anarchy and strife in the land. Islam recognises everybody's right to life and therefore put measures in place to make sure such a right is not breached by anybody with impunity.”

The cleric added: “In fact, this is not meant to be a source of suffering for the condemned but a relief. This is because a worse fate might await them were they allowed to live with the possibility of vengeance by relatives. But by putting them to death, there is a high possibility Allah will make the hearts of those they have killed to forgive them and allow them entry into Jannah (paradise) if they repent.”

Imam Fatty however, said that murderers can be forgiven according to Islamic law (Shariah) by the families of their victims in exchange for compensation.

Quoting a verse in the Muslim scripture to back his claim, the cleric said: “Allah says in the Qur'an that those who kill innocent people should be killed as He instructed to the people before us. But recourse can be made to the family of the murder victim by the people responsible for the execution to know whether they have forgiven the murderer for the killing of their relative or not. If the family is disposed to forgiving the perpetrator in exchange for compensation, then he can be let free on fulfillment of that condition.

“It is important for Muslims to bear in mind that this is meant to protect their lives and property. What use is it to have a property when someone can come and kill you with knowledge that he can get away with it?

“In such a situation, no one will be safe and we will all live in perpetual fear of our lives and property. Allah knows best what is best for us and we shall not find Him errant in the way He has set laws for us. How can you venture out to pray when you are in fear of your life and your properties are not secure?”
Imam Fatty asked.

Written by PK Jarju         

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