Sunday, March 24, 2013


NOTE: As I am not able to find many Pro-Life articles at the moment, it will be Pro-Life Article of the Month, not Fortnight. Once I can get more, I will change it back to twice a month (once in a fortnight). 

            On this date, Saturday 24 March 2012, it was the day that will always be in the hearts of all my Pro-Life friends and myself, it was history in the making! It was the day where I officially declared myself from Pro-Choice to Pro-Life, it was the day which I became an opponent of abortion when I all along was a supporter. I was similar to Jennifer Fulwiler, who became Pro-Life.

            During my high school days, when I was sixteen years old, a Pro-Life activists showed the students videos of how the dead fetus looked like, it was disgusting and cruel. However, as I was naïve and wrongfully influenced by Pro-Choice organizations, when I was young, I watched those videos at a school workshop on abortion and I foolishly said in my heart, “It doesn’t matter, they are not even human beings. I feel that it is alright to just end those lives. They are not even moving. Abortion is right.”

            It was eight years later, when I went to another church and heard the minister praying that the State will never legalize abortion, that it was a sudden wake up call for me. I soon realized that I was wrong in supporting abortion, the innocent unborn have no life at all. I felt bad and I did not know what to do about it, so I recited Psalm 51 as a prayer of repentance. I told God that I was truly remorseful for being a supporter of abortion and begged him for forgiveness.

            On Saturday 24 March 2012, I went to the service at a Roman Catholic Cathedral to hear the sermon that they were praying for an end to abortion. I went to the church and met a Pro-Life activist and told him that I declared that day that I had changed from being Pro-Choice to Pro-Life, he was proud of me. Praise God!

            In order to repent and learn from my past mistake, I began to research on abortion by watching a DVD of Melissa Ohden and read a book by Randy Alcorn called, ‘Why Pro-Life?’. They are two Pro-Life activists that touched my life. I even went for a Pro-Life Protest on Tuesday 22 May 2012. I do encourage everybody not to support abortion anymore, you can check out my collections of Pro-Life Quotes and Articles on this blog. 

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