Sunday, April 21, 2013


            On this date, April 21, 1992, Robert Alton Harris was executed by the gas chamber in San Quentin, California for the murders of two teenage boys. He was the first person to be executed in the State of California since 1967. I am grateful that 20 years later, the victim’s family was grateful that justice was served. I hope this can be a lesson for those victims’ families waiting for justice, it is the 2013 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week this week. I will post information from several internet sources before writing a rebutting essay to the late Mother Teresa.      

Robert Alton Harris
January 15, 1953
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
April 21, 1992 (aged 39)
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, California
Murder, kidnapping, burglary, robbery
Conviction status
Executed in gas

Robert Alton Harris (January 15, 1953 – April 21, 1992) was an American criminal and murderer who was executed at San Quentin State Prison in 1992 in conjunction with the 1978 murders of two teenage boys in San Diego. His execution was the first in the state of California since 1967.

Harris was born in North Carolina and was abused as a child. He had run-ins with law enforcement as early as age 10, and was first placed into juvenile detention at age 13 for stealing a car. His mother abandoned him at age 14 and soon after he was again placed into juvenile detention after stealing another car. Following his release he found work, married, and had a son, but in 1975 he was imprisoned for manslaughter; he was paroled in January 1978.

On July 5, 1978, Harris and his younger brother commandeered a car occupied by two 16-year-old boys, ordered them to drive to a remote area, then killed them. The brothers then drove the boys' car to a San Diego bank, robbed it, and used it as their getaway car. Harris was arrested less than an hour after the robbery and charged with murder, auto theft, kidnapping, burglary, and bank robbery. He was convicted and sentenced to death on March 6, 1979. After a series of appeals and stays of execution, Harris was executed in San Quentin's gas chamber on April 21, 1992.

Early life and criminal history

Robert Alton Harris was born at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the fifth of nine children of Kenneth and Evelyn Harris. Kenneth was a sergeant in the United States Army who was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for his service in World War II. Both parents were alcoholics, and Robert reportedly was born two months premature as a result of Kenneth kicking Evelyn in the abdomen; Robert is also reported to have suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome. Robert was especially targeted for abuse by his father, who believed that Robert was conceived in an affair. The Harris family moved to Visalia, California in 1962 following Kenneth Harris' discharge from the Army. Kenneth Harris was jailed in 1963 for 18 months and again for a longer period of time in 1964, both times for sexually abusing his daughters. With Kenneth in jail, the remaining family members lived a migrant life around the San Joaquin Valley.

Robert spent four months in juvenile hall at age 13 for stealing a car. In 1967, Evelyn abandoned Robert, then 14, in Sacramento and left him to fend for himself. After making his way to Oklahoma to live with his brother and sister, he stole a car and was subsequently arrested in Florida. He spent the next 3 years in the Florida juvenile detention system, but when he turned 19, the system could no longer keep him, and he was sent to Chula Vista, California. At some point Harris married and the couple had a son, Robert, Jr., born in 1974 or 1975. In 1975 while living in a trailer park in Imperial County, Harris beat his brother's roommate to death, claiming he did so to protect the victim's wife; however, it was later determined that he beat the victim without provocation. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and imprisoned in San Luis Obispo; during his imprisonment Harris' wife filed for divorce. Harris was paroled in January 1978.

San Diego murders

Sometime in May or June 1978, Robert, then aged 25, asked his brother Daniel, 18, for help in planning a bank robbery. On July 2, Daniel stole two guns from a neighbor's house in Visalia, California, and the two drove to San Diego that night. They spent the next two days purchasing ammunition and practicing the robbery in a rural area near Miramar Lake.

On July 5, the Harris brothers happened upon John Mayeski and Michael Baker, both 16, sitting in a green Ford LTD eating hamburgers in a supermarket parking lot in Mira Mesa. Mayeski and Baker were best friends who had planned to spend the day fishing to celebrate Mayeski's newly acquired driver's license. Robert Harris commandeered Mayeski's car and ordered him to drive to Miramar Lake, with Daniel Harris following in another vehicle. Robert Harris told the boys that they would be using the vehicle to rob a bank, but that no one would be hurt. At Miramar Lake, the Harris brothers ordered the boys to kneel, whereupon the boys began to pray. Robert told the boys to "Quit crying, and die like men", then shot both boys multiple times. The Harris brothers then returned to Robert's Mira Mesa home and finished the victims' half-eaten hamburgers while Robert boasted about the killings.

About an hour later, the Harris brothers robbed the Mira Mesa branch of the San Diego Trust and Savings Bank located across the street from where they had abducted Mayeski and Baker, and fled with about $2,000. A witness to the robbery followed the Harrises to their home and notified police. The Harris brothers were arrested less than an hour after the robbery. One of the officers who apprehended the Harris brothers was Steven Baker, father of victim Michael Baker, who at the time was unaware that his son had been killed, let alone by one of the men he was arresting.

Conviction and execution

The San Diego County District Attorney's Office filed felony charges of auto theft, kidnapping, murder and burglary against Robert Harris, while the U.S. Attorney's Office filed bank robbery charges against him. On March 6, 1979, Robert Harris was convicted in the San Diego County Superior Court of two counts of murder in the first degree with special circumstances as well as two counts of kidnapping, and was sentenced to death. Daniel Harris was convicted of kidnapping and sentenced to six years in state prison; he was released in 1983.

An appeal for clemency to California governor Pete Wilson – who was mayor of San Diego at the time of the killings – was rejected in a live television news conference, where Wilson read a statement acknowledging Harris' abusive childhood but ended with a clear rejection of the clemency request, saying, "As great as is my compassion for Robert Harris the child, I cannot excuse or forgive the choice made by Robert Harris the man." Wilson then left without waiting for reporters' questions.

In 1990, federal appeals court judge John T. Noonan, Jr. issued a stay on the execution, as Harris argued that childhood brain damage interfered with his judgments during his crimes.
Robert Alton Harris was executed on April 21, 1992, in the gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison -- the first execution in California in 25 years. For his last meal, he requested and was given a 21-piece bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, two large Domino's pizzas, a bag of jelly beans, a six-pack of Pepsi, and a pack of Camel cigarettes. At 6:01 a.m., Harris was escorted into the gas chamber.

The execution order was given at 6:07 a.m. PDT, and Robert Alton Harris died at 6:21 a.m. PDT. Harris' body was removed from the chamber at 7:00 a.m. and was taken to a funeral home at 8:15 a.m.

Harris' execution was originally scheduled for 12:01 a.m. on the morning of April 21, but a series of four stays issued by individual federal judges delayed the execution until just after 6 a.m. In its order vacating the fourth stay of execution, the U.S. Supreme Court stated, "No further stays of Robert Alton Harris's execution shall be entered by the Federal courts except upon order of this Court."

Harris' execution is specifically remembered for his peculiar choice of final words (recorded by Warden Daniel Vasquez): "You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the grim reaper," a misquote from the film Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, released in 1991. His execution was the subject of a 1995 Dutch documentary film, Procedure 769, witness to an execution.
Executions in California were carried out in the gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison. It was modified for the use of lethal injection, but has been returned to its original designated purpose, with the creation of a new chamber specifically for lethal injection.

            I do respect the late Mother Teresa in many ways, I respect her for her Pro-Life position and how she had helped the needy. However, I totally disagree with her stance against the death penalty. I understand she is not with the ACLU (as they are Pro-Choice). When I was a former death penalty opponent, I thought she was right but now I know she was not. I would like to rebut her from reading this article.

“What you do to them, you do to God.”

REBUTTAL: Those men on California Death Row are very evil. The State is obeying God when they execute these evildoers. Please do not equate Jesus with murderers, he is a good and loving God and not a killer. You should use that quote to those on death row, that what they do to their victims are what they had done to God, they had destroyed human lives, so they must forfeit theirs.

Please learn the facts of the murders:

On May 16, 1996, 8-year-old Michael Lyons, a third-grader, was walking home from his school when he was kidnapped by serial killer and convicted sex offender Robert Rhoades. Rhoades tortured and sodomized Michael for 10 hours. He stabbed him 70 times before slitting his throat and dumping his body by a river. Rhoades' DNA also linked him to the rape-murder of 18-year-old Alameda high school student Julie Connell.  

Michael's murder is just one committed by the 729 death row killers in California. These killers represent less than 2 percent of all murderers in our state.  Their victims include:
  • 235 who were sexually assaulted
  • 225 children
  • 90 who were tortured
  • 43 police officers.
  • Other death row killers include:
Lawrence Bittaker - twisted off the nipples of his teenage victims with pliers as he raped them, then shoved ice picks in their ears.  Bittaker photographed and tape recorded some of his crimes.

Richard Allen Davis - kidnapped 12-year-old Polly Klaas, attempted to sexually assault her and strangled her to death.  Davis was a career criminal, with prior convictions for burglary, kidnapping, and attempted armed robbery.

Richard Ramirez - the "Night Stalker" - convicted of 13 counts of murder, where he raped, tortured and mutilated his victims, who ranged from 6 to 83 years old.  In 2009, he was tied through DNA to the previously unsolved murder of a 9-year old child.

That’s all I said. He talked again about how it was in the state’s hand, so I repeated what I said, .Do what Jesus would do if he was in your position. We have to pray, she continued. We all have to pray so that he gets the grace and the courage to do what Jesus would do. Pray hard. Get as many people to pray for courage for him. Get everyone in the country to pray. And then, we have to respond to his decision with love and compassion. And keep praying for the family of the victims, too.

REBUTTAL: Mother Teresa should have got them to pray when the victims were murdered. Please see this quote from the late President Ronald Reagan.

God sees only love. God only sees the love that we put into what we do.

REBUTTAL: The Death Penalty is the affirming of life, it is the loving thing to do for society. If we do not execute violent criminals, there is nothing but chaos. God who demands the death penalty for murderers in the Old Testament is the same Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

Do what Jesus would do.


            Mother Teresa needs to know that there are mass murderers, serial killers, prison killers, recidivist murderers and war criminals who cannot be rehabilitated. Please learn more from the bible and do not grieve the Victims’ Families For the Death Penalty and also protect society.

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