Saturday, January 7, 2017


            On this date, January 7, 2010, Vernon Smith AKA known as Abdullah Sharif Kazim Mahdi, was executed by lethal injection in Ohio. He was convicted of the May 26, 1993 murder of Palestinian Migrant. Vernon Smith had converted to Islam and changed his name to Mahdi.

Vernon Smith AKA known as Abdullah Sharif Kazim Mahdi

Summary: Sohail Darwish was a palestinian immigrant who owned and operated a small store called the Woodstock Market in Toledo. Smith and Bryson made plans to rob the store and entered together. As Darwish was ringing up the sale on the cash register for a forty ounce beer, Smith brandished a black gun and ordered Darwish to “[o]pen the cash register, motherfucker.” Darwish put his hands up in the air and did not resist. Bryson went behind the counter and unsuccessfully attempted to open the register. Bryson then ordered Darwish to open the cash register, which he did. Darwish then put his hands back up in the air. Smith then told Darwish to "empty your wallet, motherfucker.” As Darwish was reaching for his wallet, Smith fired a single shot, hitting Darwish in the chest. Smith then ordered Tahboub to empty his wallet as well, and the two assailants then fled the scene. Darwish bled to death from the gunshot wound.Layson, who was waiting in Bryson's car, noticed Smith holding a gun in his hand when he and Bryson climbed back into the automobile. According to Layson, Smith complained about forgetting to get the beer and said he shot the man because “he moved too slow,” and then said “[F]uck him, he in our neighborhood anyway. He shouldn't be in our neighborhood with a store no way.” Later, Smith, Bryson and Layson split the money taken. Bryson and Layson pled guilty and testified against Smith at trial, along with a customer who identified Smith as the shooter. 

Accomplice Bryson was sentenced to 8-25 years for Involuntary Manslaughter. Accomplice Layson was sentenced to 10-25 for Aggravated Robbery and paroled in 2001.

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