Sunday, July 8, 2012


QUOTE 1: “To me, capital punishment is a form of societal self-defense. It should not be employed indiscriminately, but in cases of the most heinous crimes, the death penalty may be the only appropriate punishment. Some people believe it is right to take a life to save the life of someone else, but they would not vote to take the life of a convicted criminal, no matter how horrible the crime. Others believe that killing another person for any reason is simply wrong. I respect those opinions, but I disagree with them. I'm convinced that government has a duty to promote community defense. The death penalty, when applied in appropriate cases, can be a strong deterrent to crime. It is certainly a deterrent to the convicted criminal sentenced to death, and it is also a deterrent to other potential capital offenders.”

QUOTE 2: John David Ashcroft about a terrorist for his role in the September 11th attacks: "We remain committed not only to carrying out justice in this case but also to ensuring that the rights of the victims are fully protected ... The United States of America is a sovereign nation whose representatives in the United States Congress have chosen to mark the seriousness of certain crimes indelibly by indicating that .. those crimes should be death- eligible in certain circumstances ... We understand that when the United States Congress speaks, they speak the voice of the people of this country, and it's clear that America is so concerned about the safety and security of its citizens that certain crimes against the people of this country have been designated as death-eligible by the Congress of the United States, signed into law by presidents."

AUTHOR: John David Ashcroft (born May 9, 1942) is a United States politician who was the 79th United States attorney general. He served during the first term of President George W. Bush from 2001 until 2005. Ashcroft was previously the 50th Governor of Missouri (1985–1993) and a US senator from Missouri (1995–2001).

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