Sunday, July 22, 2012


Warren Hill, Courtesy of Georgia Department of Corrections

I read this disturbing article and I would like to rebut them after reading this article.

Vigil For Death Row Inmate Set In Macon, 10 Other Cities

8:24 PM, Jul 21, 2012
Written by

Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty plan to hold vigils in 11 cities around the state in support of convicted murderer Warren Hill. 

Hill is set to be executed Wednesday unless the U.S Supreme Court intervenes. He was serving a life sentence for shooting his girlfriend multiple times, when he bludgeoned his cellmate to death with a wooden plank studded with nails, and was sentenced to death. 

Hill has an IQ of 70, which puts him in the range of someone with mental retardation. While it is against state law to execute the mentally disabled, the defendant has to be proven so beyond a reasonable doubt, and Hill has not. 

Monday, the Georgia board of pardons and paroled denied clemency for Hill. 

"Georgia's legal system has once more brought shame and embarrassment to our state, this time by failing to intervene and protect those who are most vulnerable. We continue to set the bar for the worst criminal justice practices in the country," said Katheryn Hamouda, board chair for GFADP. 

Comment: I feel that holding vigils for a guilty killer is a waste of time and not worth it at all. What about holding candlelight vigils for his girlfriend who is the real innocent victim, slain police officers, fallen soldiers and also vigil for thousands of murdered victims last year? Immanuel Kant, Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Alex Kozinski, Chalerm Ubumrung and many others will tell you that it is a waste of time to show poetic sympathy for killers.

"Georgia's legal system has once more brought shame and embarrassment to our state, this time by failing to intervene and protect those who are most vulnerable. We continue to set the bar for the worst criminal justice practices in the country."

WRONG! = In fact, Georgia’s legal system is protecting the state. Georgia’s justice system is intervening and protecting those who are the most vulnerable here, the law abiding citizens from violent criminals. Warren Hill is a prison murderer who has already killed twice. Saint Thomas Aquinas was quoted in his Summa Theologica: "If a man is a danger to the community, threatening it with disintegration by some wrongdoing of his, then his execution for the healing and preservation of the common good is to be commended.  Only the public authority, not private persons, may licitly execute malefactors by public judgment. Men shall be sentenced to death for crimes of irreparable harm or which are particularly perverted."

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