this date, August 8, 2006, a Satanist Killer, Darrell Wayne Ferguson was
executed by lethal injection in Ohio. He was convicted of stabbing to death 3
people between December 25 to 26, 2001. He showed no remorse and requested for a
suicide assist. Good radiance that he is gone to end his reign of terror. I bet
no abolitionists can even rehabilitate him.
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Darrell Wayne Ferguson
INTERNET SOURCE: http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/US/ferguson1038.htm
State v. Ferguson, 108 Ohio St.3d 451, 844 N.E.2d 806 (Ohio 2006). (Direct Appeal)
Final/Special Meal:
Three T-bone steaks cooked medium rare, two breaded chicken breasts with a side of ranch dressing, chocolate ice cream and Mountain Dew.
Final Words:
"Mom, Dad, I love you both. I love you a lot. I wish you all the best." Ferguson, who previously said he worshipped Satan, made a sign that some consider to be a symbol of the devil as he died. While he was on the lethal-injection table — with his left arm extended palm up — he extended his index and little fingers to make the sign and held that pose for several minutes before lapsing into unconsciousness.
Internet Sources:
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (Executions)
NAME: Darrell W. Ferguson
INMATE #: A456727
RACE: Caucasian
DOB: 01/30/78
CRIME: Aggravated Murder, Escape, Aggravated Burglary, Robbery, Aggravatyed Robbery, Tampering With Evidence
COUNTY: Montgomery County
Admission Date: 09/25/03
MEDIA ADVISORY - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 31, 2006 - Inmate Ferguson Execution
Media Instruction and Information Sheet
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (DRC) Public Information Office will be accepting credentials/identification information from media outlets that are planning to cover the execution of inmate Darrell Ferguson, Montgomery County. This information must be faxed to the DRC Public Information Office no later than noon on Friday, July 14, 2006. The fax number is (614) 752-1171. The execution is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2006, at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, Ohio.
There are two forms of identification that need to be submitted (one picture ID) and a letter (on affiliate letterhead) from the news organization you represent. This letter should include your home address, as well as your work and home telephone numbers. A list will be generated from the information received and you will be cleared only after completing this process. You must have the same credentials with you at the site. If you are not pre-credentialed you will not gain access to the prison Media Center. The Media Center is a secure area that is being provided inside the prison. Non-credentialed media will be permitted to cover the event from the prison parking lot.
The Media Center for credentialed media will be activated at 4:30 p.m. the day prior to the execution. A media briefing will be held at 4:45 p.m. that day. The Media Center will reopen at 6:00 a.m. the day of the execution. There will be a briefing at 7:45 a.m. the day of the execution. All media must arrive at the Media Center by 8:30 a.m. in order to be allowed in the center. No persons will be permitted to enter or leave the center after 8:30 a.m. until the execution is carried out. Media witnesses and pool reporters must report to the prison no later than 7:45 a.m. on the morning of the execution. The Media Center will close at 1:00 p.m. At that time any remaining media will be escorted out of the prison by the media teams.
There will be no access to other areas of the prison. Movement will be limited to and from the Media Center. For security purposes, photographs and taped video may not be taken outside of the Media Center. Television and radio crews will be able to bring their equipment into the center. Live remote shots must be done outside due to security at the institution.
Immediately following the execution, the official spokeswoman from DRC will make a formal announcement regarding the time of death. Following that statement the pool reporters and media witnesses will hold a briefing. A written transcript of the inmate’s final statement will be provided at the conclusion of the briefing. No further interviews with DRC staff will be conducted. No one will be permitted to leave the center until the briefings have been concluded.
Each affiliate will be permitted two persons in the Media Center. There will be reserved seating for major media outlets. There will be 48 telephone lines available in the Media Center, as well as a bank of pay phones for 800 numbers or calling card use located outside. A mult-box will be provided. Each media outlet should bring proper equipment. No microphones will be permitted on the briefing podium. DRC will supply media witnesses to the execution with paper, pens and pencils.
Per DRC’s media policy for the execution the Ohio Legislative Correspondents Association will select a print reporter. The Director of DRC will select a television pool reporter through a lottery system comprised of the four major news affiliates from the county of commitment. The radio station will be selected by the DRC Public Information Office from the county of commitment
This information is subject to change. For further information please contact the DRC Public Information Office at (614) 752-1150.
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Darrell Wayne Ferguson
Columbus Dispatch
"Remorseless killer executed at Lucasville," by Alan Johnson. (Tuesday, August 8, 2006)
LUCASVILLE, Ohio — Remorseless to the end, Darrell Ferguson was executed today for the Christmastime murders of three elderly, disabled Dayton residents in 2001. Ferguson, 28, died by injection at the 10:21 a.m. at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility near Lucasville.
He did not look at the victim's family, six of whom were observing from behind a glass wall. But he said to his parents, watching from an adjoining room, “Mom and dad, I love you both. I love you a lot. I wish you all the best.” His mother, Donna Davis, was crying and praying as she watched her son die. At one point she said, “I love you baby . . . you're in God's hands now.”
Ferguson, who previously said he worshipped Satan, made a sign that some consider to be a symbol of the devil as he died. While he was on the lethal-injection table — with his left arm extended palm up — he extended his index and little fingers to make the sign and held that pose for several minutes before lapsing into unconsciousness. Afterward, there was as little sympathy for Ferguson as he showed his victims, one of whom was on crutches, another had cancer, and a third was in a wheelchair.
Immediately after the execution, a family friend of one of the victims, Chris Purdue, said, "Goodnight. I hope he stays in hell forever." Ferguson, a long-time drug user and high-school wrestler — he now weighs 285 pounds — taunted his victims' families at the sentencing phase of his trial two years ago when he said he took satisfaction and pleasure in killing their loved ones. “I will never show any remorse, even on the day I die.” He didn't.
Ferguson was convicted for stabbing and stomping to death Thomas King, 61, on Christmas Day in 2001. The following day, he killed Arlie Fugate, 68, and his wife, Mae, 69. Robbery was the motive in all three murders, officials said. Ferguson used the money to buy drugs.
Seeking a speedy execution, Ferguson waived what would have been years of legal appeals to hasten his death. He was the fourth Ohioan executed this year and the 23rd since the state resumed capital punishment in 1999.
Reuters News
"Ohio executes triple-murderer who asked for death." (Tue Aug 8, 2006 10:56am)E
COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - The state of Ohio on Tuesday executed a triple murderer who stabbed and stomped his elderly victims and later begged his trial judge to be put to death. Darrell Ferguson, 28, was pronounced dead at 10:21 a.m. EDT (1421 GMT) following a lethal injection, said officials at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville. "Mom, Dad, I love you both. I love you a lot. I wish you all the best," Ferguson said in his final statement.
Ferguson's murder spree began on Christmas Day in 2001 in Dayton, Ohio, where he attacked a relative, Thomas King, 61, with a kitchen knife and stole two televisions and a radio that he sold to buy crack cocaine. The next day, Ferguson robbed and murdered an elderly couple who were his former neighbors.
Ferguson pleaded guilty and offered no evidence in his own defense, pleading with a judge: "I is asking you in my right state of mind, would you please find it in good will to give me the death penalty." A state-ordered mental examination declared him competent. "By his own words, Ferguson is a remorseless, sadistic and incorrigible killer," Ohio Supreme Court Justice Alice Resnick wrote in upholding the sentence.
For his last meal, Ferguson had three steaks, two chicken breasts, chocolate milk and a soft drink.
The execution was Ohio's fourth this year and the state's 23rd since 1999 when it resumed executions. It was the 1,038th execution in the United States since capital punishment was restored in 1976.
Akron Beacon Journal
"State executes man who said he enjoyed slayings," by JoAnne Viviano. (Associated Press Posted on Tue, Aug. 08, 2006)
LUCASVILLE, Ohio - A man who called Satan his lord and said he enjoyed killing three people was executed Tuesday, keeping his promise to show the family of his victims no remorse for stabbing and beating them and stomping on them with steel-toed boots.
Darrell Ferguson's mother said he made up the Satan worshipping and the claim that he took pleasure in the killings to ensure he was executed. "He didn't worship Satan. He used Satan to be put to death because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison," said Donna Davis, who watched the execution by injection at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. "He's in God's hands now, and Satan is running." During the execution, he made a fist and extended his index and pinky fingers, which some people view as a sign of the devil. When asked about the symbol, Davis said she doesn't know what it means.
Ferguson, 28, the youngest person put to death in Ohio since 1962, asked for the death penalty at sentencing and chose not to pursue appeals, which could have delayed his execution for years.
He was the second inmate executed using the state's new lethal injection protocol, adopted after an execution in May was delayed when prison staff struggled to find a useable vein on that inmate, who asked them to find another way to kill him. Prison staff gave Ferguson's veins more close examinations, and the guidelines called for two injection sites to be prepared and a new method of ensuring veins stay open.
Ferguson said nothing before he died to the witnesses for the victims. He taunted the victims' family at his sentencing in 2003, saying that if released from prison, he would pick up where he left off. "I will never show any remorse, even on the day I die," he said in court.
Ferguson's mother said he told her and other family members on Monday that he was sorry. "He wasn't going to say he was sorry to the victims' family because he was afraid that it would stop his death," Davis said.
He pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated murder in the Christmas Day killing of Thomas King, 61, in 2001 and the deaths the next day of Arlie Fugate, 68, and his wife Mae, 69. King, was disabled and used crutches, Arlie Fugate had cancer and Mae Fugate took meals to wheelchair-bound neighbors. The victims let Ferguson into their homes in Dayton because they knew him. Ferguson's mother had been married to King's brother, and Ferguson's family had once lived near the Fugates.
Ferguson committed the murders after getting a two-day pass Dec. 21, 2001, to leave a Cincinnati drug treatment program he had been ordered to attend following a burglary conviction.
Ferguson, who grew up in Dayton, frequently wandered the streets and spent nights in warehouses and alleys. He said at age 9 he began huffing - inhaling chemical vapors to achieve a feeling of euphoria. He started drinking at 15 and using crack cocaine at 18. Davis said her son was mentally ill. A defense psychiatrist who reviewed Ferguson's medical history reported to the trial court that he had been treated for several psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder. "Gov. Bob Taft ... had a mentally ill person put to death, murdered," Davis said.
Ferguson's trial attorney Victor Hodge said IQ tests showed Ferguson was borderline mentally retarded. But he refused to cooperate with further evaluations recommended by his attorneys, Hodge said. Kim Norris, spokeswoman for Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro, said Ferguson was found to be competent in evaluations ordered by the court. Ferguson did not ask Taft for clemency, which the governor said Monday he would not grant.
Ferguson, whose arms were tattooed, wore black-rimmed glasses and looked to the ceiling when he told his mother and father he loved them just before he was injected. He then turned toward the glass separating him from witnesses. Davis, who sat between Ferguson's father and a stepfather, held the men's hands. As he died, all three cried and Davis leaned toward the glass and sobbed. "No more chains, baby. No more handcuffs," she said. "It's done."
When the curtain covering the window to the death chamber was pulled closed, Ferguson's mother said, "Satan, you aren't as strong as you thought you were. All you did was make people suffer as you like to do. But you didn't get him, you didn't get him. He had the power to change." Six witnesses for the victims - five relatives and a friend of the King family - held hands and were quiet throughout the execution.
Ferguson was the fourth inmate executed in Ohio this year, the 23rd since the state resumed executions in 1999. Adremy Dennis, also 28, was about two months older than Ferguson when he was executed in 2004.
Toledo Blade
"Ohio executes man who said he enjoyed slayings," by Jim Provance. (Tuesday, August 8, 2006)
LUCASVILLE - "I refute you, Satan,'' declared the mother of Darrell W. Ferguson as her 28-year-old son was put to death this morning for the brutal stabbing and stomping of three elderly Dayton residents five years ago. "Satan, you're not as strong as you thought you were,'' sobbed Donna Davis. "All you did was make people suffer like you like to do. But you didn't get him.''
Ferguson took advantage of a two-day pass from a Cincinnati drug abuse treatment program in 2001 to launch a murder and robbery spree to fuel his crack cocaine and chemical-huffing habit, sometimes leaving his victims alive and sometimes dead. He brutally stabbed 61-year-old Thomas King Sr. in his Dayton home on Dec. 23, 2001, and stomped and kicked him with his steel-toed boots. A day later, he did the same to Arlie and Mae Fugate, aged 68 and 69. He left bloody impressions of his boot on the cheek of Mr. Fugate and on Mr. King's pants. DNA testing of his boots found probable blood matches for all three victims.
Ferguson confessed to the crimes with graphic detail after his arrest and personally requested the death penalty in letters to the judge and prosecutor. "(W)hat I done is done and if I could bring them back I wouldn't,'' his letter to the judge read. "I have no Remorse for what I did.''
Ferguson was Ohio's sixth volunteer, prematurely ending what could have been years of additional appeals to hasten his death. He refused to participate in his own clemency hearing, but could have stopped his execution at any time right up to the point that the execution drugs began to flow.
He taunted the families of his victims during his sentencing hearing and posted poems and essays about his crimes and his Satanic beliefs on his personal web site. He made no comment to members of the victims' families, but to his parents, he said, "Mom and Dad, I love you both. I love you a lot. I wish you all the best.''
After the execution, his mother denied that her son was a Satanist, saying he used that to accelerate his execution and avoid life in prison.
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