One of Adolf Hitler’s Henchman,
Joachim Von Ribbentrop A.K.A The Diplomat of Evil became the first of
those sentenced to death in the Nuremberg Trials to be hanged on 16 October
1946. I will post information about him from Wikipedia and other links.
Minister for Foreign Affairs
4 February 1938 – 30 April 1945 |
Adolf Hitler
Führer |
Adolf Hitler
Preceded by
Konstantin von Neurath
Succeeded by
Arthur Seyss-Inquart
Ambassador to the Court of St. James
1936–1938 |
Appointed by
Adolf Hitler
Preceded by
Leopold von Hoesch
Succeeded by
Herbert von Dirksen
Ulrich Friedrich Wilhelm
Joachim Ribbentrop
30 April 1893 Wesel, Rhine Province, Kingdom of Prussia, German Empire |
16 October 1946 (aged 53)
Nuremberg, Germany |
Political party
National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP)
Anna Elisabeth Henkell (m. 1920)
Rudolf von Ribbentrop (son)
Businessman, diplomat
Ulrich Friedrich Wilhelm Joachim von
Ribbentrop (30 April 1893 – 16 October 1946) was Foreign Minister of Nazi
Germany from 1938 until 1945. A businessman, he was appointed German Ambassador
to Britain
in 1936, serving in London.
Ribbentrop first came to Adolf Hitler's notice as a well-travelled businessman with more knowledge of the outside world than most senior Nazis, and apparently an authority on world affairs. He offered his house for the secret meetings in January 1933 that resulted in Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. He became a close confidant of the Führer, to the disgust of long-serving party members, who thought him superficial and lacking in talent. Despite this, he was appointed as Ambassador to Britain in 1936, and then Foreign Minister in February 1938.
In the run-up to World War II, he played a key role in brokering the Pact of Steel (with fascist Italy) and the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. However, his diplomatic record is mainly one of failure. After 1941, Ribbentrop's influence declined.
Arrested in June 1945, he was tried at the Nuremberg Trials and convicted of war crimes for his role in starting World War II and enabling the Holocaust. On 16 October 1946 he became the first of those sentenced to death to be hanged.
von Ribbentrop was born in Wesel, Rhenish Prussia, to Richard Ulrich Friedrich
Joachim Ribbentrop, a career army officer, and his wife Johanne Sophie Hertwig.
Ribbentrop was educated irregularly at private schools in Germany and
Switzerland. From 1904 to 1908, Ribbentrop took French courses in a school at
Metz, the German Empire's most powerful fortress. A former teacher later
recalled that Ribbentrop "was the most stupid in his class, full of vanity
and very pushy". His father was cashiered from the Imperial German Army in
1908—after repeatedly disparaging Kaiser Wilhelm II for his alleged
homosexuality—and the Ribbentrop family were often short of money. Fluent in
both French and English, young Ribbentrop lived at various times in Grenoble,
France, and London, before traveling to Canada in 1910.
worked for the Molsons Bank on Stanley Street in Montreal, and then for the
engineering firm M. P. and J. T. Davis on the Quebec Bridge reconstruction. He
was also employed by the National Transcontinental Railway, which constructed a
line from Moncton to Winnipeg. He worked as a journalist in New York City and
Boston, but returned to Germany to heal from tuberculosis. He returned to
Canada and set up a small business in Ottawa importing German wine and
champagne. In 1914, he competed for Ottawa's famous Minto ice-skating team,
participating in the Ellis Memorial Trophy tournament in Boston in February.
World War I began, Ribbentrop left Canada (which, as part of the British
Empire, was at war with Germany) for the neutral United States. He sailed from
Hoboken, New Jersey on 15 August 1914 on the Holland-America ship The
Potsdam, bound for Rotterdam. He returned home and enlisted in the 12th
Hussar Regiment.
served first on the Eastern Front, but was later transferred to the Western
Front. He earned a commission and was awarded the Iron Cross. In 1918 1st Lieutenant
Ribbentrop was stationed in Istanbul as a staff officer.
During his time in Turkey, he became friends with another staff officer named
Franz von Papen.
1919 Ribbentrop met Anna Elisabeth Henkell ("Annelies" to her
friends), the daughter of a wealthy Wiesbaden wine-producer. They married on 5
July 1920, and Ribbentrop traveled Europe as a wine salesman. He and Annelies
had five children. In 1925 his aunt, Gertrud von Ribbentrop, adopted him, which
allowed him to add the aristocratic von to his name.
Nazi career
1928, Ribbentrop was introduced to Adolf Hitler as a businessman with foreign
connections who "gets the same price for German champagne as others get
for French champagne". Count Wolf-Heinrich von Helldorf, with whom
Ribbentrop had served in the 12th Torgau Hussars in the First World War,
arranged the introduction. Ribbentrop and his wife joined the National
Socialist German Workers' Party on 1 May 1932. Ribbentrop began his political
career that summer by offering to be a secret emissary between Chancellor of
Germany Franz von Papen, his old wartime friend, and Hitler. His offer was
initially refused. Six months later, though, Hitler and Papen accepted his
change of heart occurred after General Kurt von Schleicher ousted Papen in
December 1932. This led to a complex set of intrigues in which Papen and
various friends of president Paul von Hindenburg negotiated with Hitler to oust
von Schleicher. On 22 January 1933, Meissner and Hindenburg's son met Hitler,
Göring, and Frick at Ribbentrop's home in Berlin's exclusive Dahlem district.
Over dinner, Papen made the fateful concession that if von Schleicher's
government were to fall, he would abandon his demand for the Chancellorship and
instead use his influence with president von Hindenburg to ensure that Hitler
got the Chancellorship.
Ribbentrop was not popular with the Nazi Party's Alte Kämpfer (Old
Fighters); they nearly all disliked him. British historian Laurence Rees
described Ribbentrop as "the Nazi almost all the other leading Nazis
hated". Joseph Goebbels expressed a common view when he confided to his
diary that "Von Ribbentrop bought his name, he married his money, and he
swindled his way into office".
most of the Weimar Republic era, Ribbentrop was apolitical and displayed no
anti-Semitic prejudices. A visitor to a party Ribbentrop threw in 1928 recorded
that Ribbentrop had no political views beyond a vague admiration for Gustav
Stresemann, fear of Communism, and a wish to restore the monarchy. Several
Berlin Jewish businessmen who did business with Ribbentrop in the 1920s and
knew him well later expressed astonishment at the vicious anti-Semitism Ribbentrop
later displayed in the Third Reich, saying that they did not see any
indications that he had held such views when they knew him. As a partner in his
father-in-law's champagne firm, Ribbentrop did business with Jewish bankers,
and organised the Impegroma Importing Company ("Import und Export großer
Marken") with Jewish financing.
diplomatic career
became Hitler's favourite foreign-policy adviser, partly by dint of his
familiarity with the world outside Germany, but also by flattery and
sycophancy. One German diplomat later recalled that "Ribbentrop didn't
understand anything about foreign policy. His sole wish was to please
Hitler". In particular, Ribbentrop acquired the habit of listening
carefully to what Hitler was saying, memorizing the Führer's pet ideas, and
then later presenting Hitler's ideas as his own – a practice that much
impressed Hitler as proving Ribbentrop was an ideal National Socialist
diplomat. Ribbentrop quickly learned that Hitler always favoured the most
radical solution to any problem, and accordingly tended his advice in that
direction as a Ribbentrop aide recalled:
When Hitler said 'Grey', Ribbentrop said 'Black, black, black'. He always said it three times more, and he was always more radical. I listened to what Hitler said one day when Ribbentrop wasn't present: 'With Ribbentrop it is so easy, he is always so radical. Meanwhile, all the other people I have, they come here, they have problems, they are afraid, they think we should take care and then I have to blow them up, to get strong. And Ribbentrop was blowing up the whole day and I had to do nothing. I had to brake – much better!'
factor that aided Ribbentrop's rise was Hitler's distrust of, and disdain for,
Germany's professional diplomats. He suspected that they did not entirely
support his revolution. But the Foreign Office diplomats loyally served the
government and rarely gave Hitler grounds for criticism. The Foreign Office
diplomats were ultra-nationalist, authoritarian, and anti-Semitic. As a result,
there was enough overlap in values between the two groups to allow most of them
to work comfortably for the Nazis. Hitler never quite trusted the Foreign
Office and was on the lookout for someone to carry out his foreign-policy goals.
Nazis and Germany's professional diplomats shared the goal of destroying the
Treaty of Versailles and restoring Germany as a great power. In October 1933,
German Foreign Minister Baron Konstantin von Neurath presented a note at the
World Disarmament Conference announcing that it was unfair that Germany should
remain disarmed by Part V of the Versailles treaty, and demanded that the other
powers either disarm to Germany's level, or that they abolish Part V and allow
Germany Gleichberechtigung (“equality of armaments”). When France
rejected Neurath's note, Germany stormed out of the League of Nations and the
World Disarmament Conference. It all but announced its intention to
unilaterally violate Part V. Consequently, there were several calls in France
that autumn for a preventive war to put an end to the Nazi regime while Germany
was still more-or-less disarmed.
in November, Ribbentrop arranged a meeting between French journalist Fernand de
Brinon, who wrote for the Le Matin newspaper, and Hitler, during which
Hitler stressed what he claimed to be his love of peace and his friendship
towards France. Hitler's meeting with de Brinon had a huge effect on French
public opinion, and helped to put an end to the calls for a preventive war; it
convinced many in France that Hitler was a man of peace who only wanted to do
away with Part V.
Commissioner for Disarmament
1934, Hitler named Ribbentrop Special Commissioner for Disarmament. In his
early years, Hitler's goal in foreign affairs was to persuade the world that he
wished to reduce military spending by making idealistic but very vague
disarmament offers (in the 1930s, the term disarmament was used to describe
arms-limitation agreements). At the same time, the Germans always resisted
making concrete arms-limitations proposals, and they went ahead with increased
military spending on grounds that other powers would not take up German
arms-limitation offers. Ribbentrop was tasked with ensuring that the world
remained convinced that Germany sincerely wanted an arms-limitation treaty
while also ensuring that no such treaty was ever developed.
17 April 1934, French Foreign Minister Louis Barthou issued the so-called
"Barthou note," which led to concerns on the part of Hitler that the
French would ask for sanctions against Germany for violating Part V of the
Versailles treaty. Ribbentrop volunteered to stop the rumoured sanctions, and
visited London and Rome. During his visits, Ribbentrop met with Simon and
Benito Mussolini, and asked them to postpone the next meeting of the Bureau of
Disarmament, in exchange for which Ribbentrop offered nothing in return other
than promising better relations with Berlin. The meeting, though, went ahead as
scheduled. But because no sanctions were sought against Germany, Ribbentrop
could claim success.
August 1934, Ribbentrop founded an organization linked to the Nazi Party called
the Büro Ribbentrop (later renamed the Dienststelle Ribbentrop).
It functioned as an alternative foreign ministry. The Dienststelle
Ribbentrop, which had its offices directly across from the Foreign Office's
building on the Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, had in its membership a collection of
alumni, dissatisfied businessmen, former reporters, and ambitious Nazi Party
members, all of whom tried to conduct a foreign policy independent of, and
often contrary to, the Foreign Office.
engaged in diplomacy on his own. He visited France and met Foreign Minister
Louis Barthou. During the meeting, Ribbentrop suggested that Barthou meet
Hitler at once to sign a Franco-German non-aggression pact. Ribbentrop wanted
to buy time to complete German rearmament by removing preventive war as a
French policy option. The Barthou-Ribbentrop meeting infuriated Neurath because
the two had met without bothering to inform the Foreign Office beforehand.
the Dienststelle Ribbentrop was concerned with German foreign relations
with every part of the world, it emphasised Anglo-German relations, as
Ribbentrop knew that Hitler favoured an alliance with Britain. As such,
Ribbentrop worked hard during his early diplomatic career to realize Hitler's
dream of an anti-Soviet Anglo-German alliance. Ribbentrop made frequent trips
to Britain, and upon his return he always reported to Hitler that most British
people longed for an alliance with Germany. In November 1934, Ribbentrop
visited Britain, where he met with George Bernard Shaw, Sir Austen Chamberlain,
Lord Cecil, and Lord Lothian. On the basis of Lord Lothian's praise for the
natural friendship between Germany and Britain, Ribbentrop informed Hitler that
all elements of British society wished for closer ties with Germany. His report
delighted Hitler, causing him to remark that Ribbentrop was the only person who
told him "the truth about the world abroad". Because the Foreign
Office's diplomats were not so sunny in their appraisal of the prospects for an
alliance, Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler increased. Ribbentrop's
personality, with his disdain for diplomatic niceties, meshed with what Hitler
felt should be the relentless dynamism of a revolutionary regime.
at large
rewarded Ribbentrop by appointing him Reich Minister
Ambassador-Plenipotentiary at Large. In that capacity, Ribbentrop negotiated
the Anglo-German Naval Agreement (A.G.N.A.) in 1935 and the Anti-Comintern Pact
in 1936.
Naval Agreement
did not think the A.G.N.A. was possible. So to discredit his rival, he
appointed Ribbentrop head of the delegation sent to London to negotiate it.
Once the talks began, Ribbentrop issued Sir John Simon an ultimatum. He
informed Simon that if Germany's terms were not accepted in their entirety, the
German delegation would go home. Simon was angry with this demand and walked
out of the talks. But to everyone's surprise, the next day the British accepted
Ribbentrop's demands and the A.G.N.A. was signed in London on 18 June 1935 by
Ribbentrop and Sir Samuel Hoare, the new British Foreign Secretary. This
diplomatic success did much to increase Ribbentrop's prestige with Hitler, who
called the day the A.G.N.A. was signed "the happiest day in my life".
He believed it marked the beginning of an Anglo-German alliance, and ordered
celebrations throughout Germany to mark the event.
after the A.G.N.A. was signed, Ribbentrop followed up with the next step that
was intended to create the Anglo-German alliance, namely the Gleichschaltung
(co-ordination) of all societies demanding the restoration of Germany's former
colonies in Africa. On 3 July 1935, it was announced that Ribbentrop would head
the efforts to recover Germany's former African colonies. Hitler and Ribbentrop
believed that demanding colonial restoration would pressure the British into
making an alliance with the Reich on German terms. But there was a
difference of opinion between Ribbentrop and Hitler: Ribbentrop sincerely
wished to recover the former German colonies, whereas for Hitler, colonial
demands were just a negotiating tactic. Germany would renounce its demands in
exchange for a British alliance.
Anti-Comintern Pact of November 1936 marked an
important change in German foreign policy. The Foreign Office had traditionally
favoured a policy of friendship with China with an informal Sino-German alliance
being created by the late 1920s. Neurath very much believed in maintaining
Germany's good relations with China and mistrusted Japan. Ribbentrop was
opposed to the Foreign Office's pro-China orientation and instead favoured an
alliance with Japan.
this end, Ribbentrop often worked closely with General Hiroshi
Ōshima, who served first as the Japanese military attaché, and then as
Ambassador in Berlin, to strengthen German-Japanese ties despite furious
opposition from the Wehrmacht and the Foreign Office, which preferred closer
Sino-German ties. The origins of the Anti-Comintern Pact went back to the
summer and fall of 1935, when in an effort to square the circle between seeking
a rapprochement with Japan and Germany's traditional alliance with
China, Ribbentrop and Ōshima devised the idea of an anti-Communist alliance as
a way to bind China, Japan, and Germany together. But when the Chinese made it
clear that they had no interest in such an alliance (especially given that the
Japanese regarded Chinese adhesion to the proposed pact as way of subordinating
China to Japan), both Neurath and War Minister Field Marshal Werner von
Blomberg persuaded Hitler to shelve the proposed treaty lest it damage Germany's
good relations with China. Ribbentrop for his part, who valued Japanese
friendship far more than that of the Chinese, argued that Germany and Japan
should sign the pact without Chinese participation. By November 1936, a revival
of interest in a German-Japanese pact in both Tokyo and Berlin led to the
signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact in Berlin. When the Pact was signed,
invitations were sent to Italy, China, Britain, and Poland to join. But of the
invited powers, only the Italians would ultimately sign. The Anti-Comintern
Pact marked the beginning of the shift on Germany's part from China's ally to
Japan's ally.
1935, Ribbentrop arranged for a series of much-publicized visits of World War I
veterans to Britain, France, and Germany. Ribbentrop persuaded the British
Legion (the leading veterans' group in Britain) and many French veterans'
groups to send delegations to Germany to meet German veterans as the best way
to promote peace. At the same time, Ribbentrop arranged for members of the
Frontkämpferbund, the official German World War I veterans' group, to visit
Britain and France to meet veterans there. The veterans' visits and attendant
promises of "never again" did much to improve the "New
Germany's" image in Britain and France. In July 1935, Brigadier Sir
Francis Featherstone-Godley led the British Legion's delegation to Germany. The
Prince of Wales, the Legion's patron, made a much-publicized speech at the
Legion's annual conference in June 1935 stating he could think of no better
group of men than those of the Legion to visit and carry the message of peace
to Germany, and stated that he hoped that Britain and Germany would never fight
again. As for the contradiction between German rearmament and his message of
peace, Ribbentrop argued to whoever would listen that the German people had
been "humiliated" by the Versailles treaty, that Germany wanted peace
above all, and German violations of Versailles were part of an effort to
restore Germany's "self-respect". By the 1930s, much of British
opinion had been convinced that the treaty was monstrously unfair and unjust to
Germany, so as a result, many in Britain like Thomas Jones were very open to
Ribbentrop's message that if only Versailles could be done away with, then
European peace would be secured.
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Joachim von Ribbentrop in 1938 |
to the United Kingdom
August 1936, Hitler appointed Ribbentrop Ambassador to the United Kingdom with
orders to negotiate the Anglo-German alliance. Ribbentrop arrived to take up
his position in October 1936. The two-month delay between his appointment and
his arrival owed to the fracas following State Secretary Prince von Bülow's
death. His time in London was marked by an endless series of social gaffes and
blunders that worsened his already poor relations with the British Foreign
help with his move to London, and with the design of the new German Embassy
Ribbentrop had built (the existing Embassy was insufficiently grand for him),
he, at his wife's suggestion, hired a Berlin interior decorator named Martin
Luther. Luther proved to be a master intriguer and became Ribbentrop's
favourite hatchet man.
did not understand the King's limited role in government; he thought King
Edward VIII could dictate British foreign policy. He convinced Hitler that he had
Edward's support; but this, like his belief that he had impressed British
society, was a tragic delusion. Ribbentrop often woefully misunderstood both
British politics and society. During the abdication crisis of December 1936,
Ribbentrop reported to Berlin that the reason the crisis had occurred was an
anti-German Jewish-Masonic-reactionary conspiracy to depose Edward (whom
Ribbentrop represented as a staunch friend of Germany), and that civil war
would soon break out in Britain between the King's supporters and those of
Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin's. Ribbentrop's civil-war statements were
greeted with incredulity by those British people who heard them.
habit of summoning tailors from the best British firms, making them wait for
hours and then sending them away without seeing him with instructions to return
the next day, only to repeat the process, did immense damage to his reputation
in British high society. London's tailors retaliated for this abuse by telling
all their well-off clients that Ribbentrop was impossible to deal with. In an
interview, his secretary Reinhard Spitzy stated "He [Ribbentrop] behaved
very stupidly and very pompously and the British don't like pompous
people". In the same interview, Spitzy called Ribbentrop "pompous,
conceited and not too intelligent", and stated he was an utterly
insufferable man to work for. In addition, the fact that Ribbentrop chose to
spend as little time as possible in London in order to stay close to Hitler
irritated the British Foreign Office immensely, as Ribbentrop's frequent
absences prevented the handling of many routine diplomatic matters. (Punch
referred to him the "Wandering Aryan" for his frequent trips
home.) As Ribbentrop alienated more and more people in Britain, Göring warned Hitler
that Ribbentrop was a "stupid ass". Hitler dismissed Göring's
concerns: "[b]ut after all, he knows quite a lot of important people in
England", leading Göring to reply "Mein Führer, that may be
right, but the bad thing is, they know him".
February 1937, Ribbentrop committed a notable social gaffe by unexpectedly
greeting King George VI with a stiff-armed Nazi salute: the gesture nearly
knocked over the King, who was walking forward to shake Ribbentrop's hand.
Ribbentrop further compounded the damage to his image and caused a minor crisis
in Anglo-German relations by insisting that henceforward all German diplomats
were to greet heads of state with the "German greeting", who were in
turn to return the fascist salute. The crisis was resolved when Neurath pointed
out to Hitler that under Ribbentrop's rules, if the Soviet Ambassador were to
give the communist clenched-fist salute, then Hitler would be obliged to return
it. On Neurath's advice, Hitler disavowed Ribbentrop's demand that King George
receive and give the "German greeting".
of Ribbentrop's time was spent either demanding that Britain sign the
Anti-Comintern Pact or that London return the former German colonies in Africa.
But he also devoted considerable time to courting what he called the "men
of influence" as the best way to achieve an Anglo-German alliance.
Ribbentrop believed the British aristocracy comprised some sort of secret
society that ruled from behind the scenes, and if he could befriend enough
members of Britain's "secret government", he could bring about the
alliance. Almost all of the initially favourable reports Ribbentrop provided to
Berlin about the alliance's prospects were based on friendly remarks about the
"New Germany" from various British aristocrats like Lord Londonderry
and Lord Lothian; the rather cool reception that Ribbentrop received from
British Cabinet ministers and senior bureaucrats did not make much of an
impression on him at first. In 1935, Sir Eric Phipps, the British Ambassador to
Germany, complained to London about Ribbentrop's British associates in the
Anglo-German Fellowship, that they created "false German hopes as in
regards to British friendship and caused a reaction against it in England,
where public opinion is very naturally hostile to the Nazi regime and its
methods". In September 1937, the British Consul in Munich, writing about
the group Ribbentrop had brought to the Nuremberg Party Rally, reported that
there were some "serious persons of standing among them" and that an
equal number of Ribbentrop's British contingent were "eccentrics and few,
if any, could be called representatives of serious English thought, either
political or social, while they most certainly lacked any political or social
influence in England". In June 1937, when Lord Mount Temple, the Chairman
of the Anglo-German Fellowship, asked to see the British Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain after meeting Hitler in a visit arranged by Ribbentrop, Robert
Vansittart, the British Foreign Office's Undersecretary wrote a memo stating that:
"The P.M. [Prime Minister] should certainly not see Lord Mount Temple – nor should the S[ecretary] of S[tate]. We really must put a stop to this eternal butting in of amateurs – and Lord Mount Temple is a particularly silly one. These activities – which are practically confined to Germany – render impossible the task of diplomacy.
Vansittart's memo, members of the Anglo-German Fellowship ceased to see Cabinet
ministers after going on Ribbentrop-arranged trips to Germany.
February 1937, before a meeting with the Lord Privy Seal, Lord Halifax,
Ribbentrop suggested to Hitler that Germany, Italy, and Japan begin a worldwide
propaganda campaign with the aim of forcing Britain to return the former German
colonies in Africa. Hitler turned down this idea of Ribbentrop's, but
nonetheless during his meeting with Lord Halifax, Ribbentrop spent much of the
meeting demanding that Britain sign an alliance with Germany and return the
former German colonies. The German historian Klaus Hildebrand noted that as
early as the Ribbentrop–Halifax meeting the differing foreign policy views of
Hitler and Ribbentrop were starting to emerge with Ribbentrop more interested
in restoring the pre-1914 German Imperium in Africa than conquest of
Eastern Europe. Following the lead of Andreas Hillgruber, who argued that
Hitler had a Stufenplan (stage by stage plan) for world conquest,
Hildebrand argued that Ribbentrop may not have fully understood what Hitler's Stufenplan
was, or alternatively in pressing so hard for colonial restoration was trying
to score a personal success that might improve his standing with Hitler. In
March 1937, Ribbentrop attracted much adverse comment in the British press when
he gave a speech at the Leipzig Trade Fair in Leipzig, where he declared that
German economic prosperity would be satisfied either "through the
restoration of the former German colonial possessions, or by means of the
German people's own strength". The implied threat that if colonial
restoration did not occur, then the Germans would take back by force their
former colonies attracted a large deal of hostile commentary on the
inappropriateness of an Ambassador threatening his host country in such a
negotiating style, a mix of bullying bluster and icy coldness coupled with
lengthy monologues praising Hitler, alienated many. The American historian
Gordon A. Craig once observed that of all the voluminous memoir literature of
the diplomatic scene of 1930s Europe, there are only two positive references to
Ribbentrop. Of the two references, General Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg, the
German military attaché in London, commented that Ribbentrop had been a brave
soldier in World War I, while the wife of the Italian Ambassador to Germany,
Elisabetta Cerruti, called Ribbentrop "one of the most diverting of the
Nazis". In both cases the praise was limited, with Cerruti going on to
write that only in the Third Reich was it possible for someone as superficial
as Ribbentrop to rise to be a minister of foreign affairs, while Geyr von Schweppenburg
called Ribbentrop an absolute disaster as Ambassador in London. The British
historian/television producer Laurence Rees noted for his 1997 series The
Nazis: A Warning from History that every single person interviewed for the
series who knew Ribbentrop expressed a passionate hatred for him. One German
diplomat, Herbert Richter, called Ribbentrop "lazy and worthless"
while another, Manfred von Schröder, was quoted as saying Ribbentrop was
"vain and ambitious". Rees concluded that "No other Nazi was so
hated by his colleagues".
November 1937, Ribbentrop was placed in a highly embarrassing situation when
his forceful advocacy of the return of the former German colonies led to the
British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and the French Foreign Minister Yvon
Delbos offering to open talks on returning the former German colonies, in
return for which the Germans would make binding commitments to respect their
borders in central and eastern Europe. Since Hitler was not interested in
obtaining the former colonies, especially if the price was a brake on expansion
into eastern Europe, Ribbentrop was forced to turn down the Anglo-French offer
that he had largely brought about. Immediately after turning down the
Anglo-French offer on colonial restoration, Ribbentrop for reasons of pure
malice ordered the Reichskolonialbund to increase the agitation for the
former German colonies, a move which exasperated both the Foreign Office and
Quai d'Orsay.
inability to achieve the alliance that he had been sent out for frustrated him,
as he feared it could cost him Hitler's favour, and it made him a bitter
Anglophobe. As the Italian Foreign Minister, Count Galeazzo Ciano, noted in his
diary in late 1937, Ribbentrop had come to hate Britain with all the "fury
of a woman scorned". Ribbentrop (and Hitler for that matter) never
understood that British foreign policy aimed at the appeasement of Germany, not
an alliance.
Ribbentrop travelled to Rome in November 1937 to oversee Italy's adhesion to
the Anti-Comintern Pact, he made clear to his hosts that the pact was really
directed against Britain. As Count Ciano noted in his diary, the Anti-Comintern
Pact was "anti-Communist in theory, but in fact unmistakably
anti-British". Believing himself to be in a state of disgrace with Hitler
over his failure to achieve the British alliance, Ribbentrop spent December
1937 in a state of depression, and together with his wife, wrote two lengthy
documents for Hitler denouncing Britain. In the first of his two reports to
Hitler, which was presented on 2 January 1938, Ribbentrop stated that
"England is our most dangerous enemy". In the same report, Ribbentrop
advised Hitler to abandon the idea of a British alliance, and instead embrace
the idea of an alliance of Germany, Japan, and Italy, to destroy the British
wrote in his "Memorandum for the Führer" that "a change
in the status quo in the East to Germany's advantage can only be accomplished
by force", and that the best way to achieve this change was to build a global
anti-British alliance system. Besides converting the Anti-Comintern Pact into
an anti-British military alliance, Ribbentrop argued that German foreign policy
should work to "furthermore, winning over all states whose interests
conform directly or indirectly to ours". By the last statement, Ribbentrop
clearly implied that the Soviet Union should be included in the anti-British
alliance system he had proposed.
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Ante Pavelić of the Independent State of Croatia and Joachim von Ribbentrop in
Salzburg, 6 June 1941
Minister of the Reich
early 1938 Hitler asserted his control of the military-foreign policy apparatus
by, in part, sacking Neurath. On 4 February 1938, Ribbentrop succeeded Neurath
as Foreign Minister. Ribbentrop's appointment was generally taken at the time
and since as indicating that German foreign policy was moving in a more radical
direction. In contrast to Neurath's less bellicose and cautious nature,
Ribbentrop unequivocally supported war in 1938–39.
time as Foreign Minister can be divided into three periods. In the first, from
1938 to 1939, he tried to persuade other states to align themselves with
Germany for the coming war. In the second, from 1939 to 1943, Ribbentrop
attempted to persuade other states to enter the war on Germany's side or at
least maintain pro-German neutrality. In the final phase, from 1943 to 1945, he
had the task of trying to keep Germany's allies from leaving her side. During
the course of all three periods, Ribbentrop met frequently with leaders and
diplomats from Italy, Japan, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, and Hungary. During all
this time, Ribbentrop feuded with various other Nazi leaders. As time went by,
Ribbentrop started to oust the Foreign Office's old diplomats from their senior
positions and replace them with men from the Dienststelle. As early as
1938, 32% of the offices in the Foreign Ministry were held by men who
previously served in the Dienststelle.
of Ribbentrop's first acts as Foreign Minister was to achieve a total
volte-face in Germany's Far Eastern policies. Ribbentrop was instrumental in
February 1938 in persuading Hitler to recognize the Japanese puppet state of
Manchukuo and to renounce German claims upon her former colonies in the
Pacific, which were now held by Japan. By April 1938, Ribbentrop had ended all
German arms shipments to China and had all of the German Army officers serving
with the Kuomintang government of Chiang Kai-shek recalled (with the threat
that the families of the officers in China would be sent to concentration camps
if the officers did not return to Germany immediately). In return, the Germans received
little thanks from the Japanese, who refused to allow any new German businesses
to be set up in the part of China they had occupied, and continued with their
policy of attempting to exclude all existing German (together with all other
Western) businesses from Japanese-occupied China. At the same time, the ending
of the informal Sino-German alliance led Chiang to terminate all of the
concessions and contracts held by German companies in Kuomintang China.
Agreement and Czechoslovakia's destruction
Ernst von Weizsäcker, (the State Secretary 1938–1943) opposed the general trend
in German foreign policy towards attacking Czechoslovakia: he feared that it
might cause a general war that Germany would lose. Weizsäcker had no moral
objections to the idea of destroying Czechoslovakia; he was only opposed to the
timing of the attack. Weizsäcker favoured the idea of a "chemical"
destruction of Czechoslovakia in which Germany, Hungary, and Poland would close
their frontiers to destabilize Czechoslovakia economically. He strongly
disliked Ribbentrop's idea of a "mechanical" destruction of
Czechoslovakia via war, which he saw as too risky. But despite all of their
reservations and fears about Ribbentrop—whom they saw as recklessly seeking to
plunge Germany into a general war before the Reich was ready—neither
Weizsäcker nor any of the other professional diplomats were prepared to
confront their chief.
the Anglo-German summit at Berchtesgaden on 15 September 1938, Henderson and
Weizsäcker worked out a private arrangement that Hitler and Chamberlain were to
meet with no advisers present as a way of excluding the ultra-hawkish
Ribbentrop from attending the talks. Hitler's interpreter Paul Schmidt later
recalled that it was "felt that our Foreign Minister would prove a
disturbing element" at the Berchtesgaden summit. In a moment of pique at
his exclusion from the Chamberlain-Hitler meeting, Ribbentrop refused to hand
over to Chamberlain Schmidt's notes of the summit, a move which caused much annoyance
on the British side. Ribbentrop spent the last weeks of September 1938 looking
forward very much to the German-Czechoslovak war he expected to break out on 1
October 1938. Ribbentrop regarded the Munich Agreement as a diplomatic defeat
for Germany, as it deprived Germany of the opportunity to wage the war to
destroy Czechoslovakia that Ribbentrop wanted to see; the Sudetenland issue,
which was the ostensible subject of the German-Czechoslovak dispute, had been
just a pretext for German aggression. During the Munich Conference, Ribbentrop
spent much of his time brooding unhappily in the corners. Ribbentrop told the
head of Hitler's Press Office, Fritz Hesse, that the Munich Agreement was
"first-class stupidity…All it means is that we have to fight the English
in a year, when they will be better armed…It would have been much better if war
had come now". Like Hitler, Ribbentrop was determined that in the next
crisis, Germany would not have its professed demands met in another Munich-type
summit, and that the next crisis to be caused by Germany would result in the
war that Chamberlain had "cheated" the Germans out of at Munich.
the aftermath of Munich, Hitler was in a violently anti-British mood caused in
part by his rage over being "cheated" out of the war to
"annihilate" Czechoslovakia that he very much wanted to have in 1938,
and in part by his realization that Britain would neither ally herself nor
stand aside in regard to Germany's ambition to dominate Europe. As a
consequence, after Munich, Britain was considered to be the main enemy of the Reich,
and as a result, the influence of ardently Anglophobic Ribbentrop
correspondingly rose with Hitler.
for economic reasons, and partly out of fury over being "cheated" out
of war in 1938, in early 1939, Hitler decided to destroy the rump state of
Czecho-Slovakia (as Czechoslovakia had been renamed in October 1938).
Ribbentrop played an important role in setting in motion the crisis that was to
result in the end of Czecho-Slovakia by ordering German diplomats in Bratislava
to contact Father Jozef Tiso, the Premier of the Slovak regional government,
and pressuring him to declare independence from Prague. When Tiso proved
reluctant to do so on the grounds that the autonomy that had existed since
October 1938 was sufficient for him, and to completely sever links with the
Czechs would leave Slovakia open to being annexed by Hungary, Ribbentrop had
the German Embassy in Budapest contact the Regent, Admiral Miklós Horthy.
Admiral Horthy was advised that the Germans might be open to having more of
Hungary restored to former borders, and that the Hungarians should best start
concentrating troops on their northern border at once if they were serious
about changing the frontiers. Upon hearing of the Hungarian mobilization, Tiso
was presented with the choice of either declaring independence with the
understanding that the new state would be in the German sphere of influence, or
seeing all of Slovakia absorbed into Hungary. When as a result, Tiso had the
Slovak regional government issue a declaration of independence on 14 March
1939, the ensuing crisis in Czech-Slovak relations was used as a pretext to
summon the Czecho-Slovak president Emil Hácha to Berlin over his
"failure" to keep order in his country. On the night of 14–15 March
1939, Ribbentrop played a key role in the German annexation of the Czech part
of Czecho-Slovakia by bullying the Czechoslovak president Hácha into
transforming his country into a German protectorate at a meeting in the Reich
Chancellery in Berlin. On 15 March 1939, German troops occupied the Czech area
of Czecho-Slovakia, which then became the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia
and Moravia. On 20 March 1939, Ribbentrop summoned the Lithuanian Foreign
Minister Juozas Urbšys to Berlin and informed him that if a Lithuanian
plenipotentiary did not arrive at once to negotiate turning over the Memelland
to Germany the Luftwaffe would raze Kaunas to the ground. As a result of
Ribbentrop's ultimatum on 23 March, the Lithuanians agreed to return Memel
(modern Klaipėda, Lithuania) to Germany.
March 1939, Ribbentrop assigned the largely ethnic Ukrainian Sub-Carpathian
Ruthenia region of Czecho-Slovakia, which had just proclaimed its independence
as the Republic of Carpatho-Ukraine, to Hungary, which then proceeded to annexe
it after a short war. The significance of this lies in that there had been many
fears in the Soviet Union in the 1930s that the Germans would use Ukrainian
nationalism as a tool for breaking up the Soviet Union. The establishment of an
autonomous Ukrainian region in Czecho-Slovakia in October 1938 had promoted a
major Soviet media campaign against its existence on the grounds that this was
part of a Western plot to support separatism in the Soviet Ukraine. By allowing
the Hungarians to destroy Europe's only Ukrainian state, Ribbentrop had
signified that Germany was not interested (at least for the moment) in
sponsoring Ukrainian nationalism. This in turn helped to improve German-Soviet
relations by demonstrating that German foreign policy was now primarily
anti-Western rather than anti-Soviet.
Germany hoped to transform Poland into a satellite state, but by March 1939
German demands had been rejected by the Poles three times, which led Hitler to
decide, with enthusiastic support from Ribbentrop, upon the destruction of
Poland as the main German foreign policy goal of 1939. On 21 March 1939, Hitler
first went public with his demand that Danzig rejoin the Reich and for
"extra-territorial" roads across the Polish Corridor. This marked a
significant escalation of the German pressure on Poland, which until then had
been confined to private meetings between German and Polish diplomats. That
same day, on 21 March 1939, Ribbentrop presented a set of demands to the Polish
Ambassador Józef Lipski about Poland allowing the Free City of Danzig to return
to Germany in such violent and extreme language that it led to the Poles to
fear their country was on the verge of an immediate German attack. Ribbentrop
had used such extreme language, in particular his remark that if Germany had a
different policy towards the Soviet Union then Poland would cease to exist,
that it led to the Poles ordering partial mobilization and placing their armed
forces on the highest state of alert on 23 March 1939. In a protest note at
Ribbentrop's behaviour, Colonel Beck reminded the German Foreign Minister that
Poland was an independent country and was not some sort of German protectorate
which Ribbentrop could bully at will. Ribbentrop in turn sent out instructions
to the German Ambassador in Warsaw, Count Hans-Adolf von Moltke, that if Poland
agreed to the German demands, then Germany would ensure that Poland could
partition Slovakia with Hungary and be ensured of German support for annexing
the Ukraine. If the Poles rejected his offer, then Poland would be considered
an enemy of the Reich. On 26 March, in an extremely stormy meeting with
the Polish Ambassador Józef Lipski, Ribbentrop accused the Poles of attempting
to bully Germany by their partial mobilization and violently attacked them for
only offering consideration of the German demand about the
"extra-territorial" roads. The meeting ended with Ribbentrop
screaming that if Poland were to invade the Free City, then Germany would go to
war to destroy Poland. When the news of Ribbentrop's remarks was leaked to the
Polish press despite Colonel Beck's order to the censors on 27 March, it caused
anti-German riots in Poland with the local N.S.D.A.P headquarters in the
ethnically mixed town of Lininco destroyed by a mob. On 28 March, Colonel Beck
told Moltke that if any attempt to change the status of Danzig unilaterally
would be regarded by Poland as a casus belli. Though the Germans were
not planning an attack on Poland in March 1939, Ribbentrop's bullying behaviour
towards the Poles destroyed whatever faint chance there was of Poland allowing
Danzig to return to Germany.
German occupation of the Czech area of Czecho-Slovakia on the Ides of March, in
total contravention of the Munich Agreement that had been signed less than six
months before, infuriated British and French public opinion and lost Germany
all sympathy. Such was the state of public fury that it appeared possible for
several days afterwards that the Chamberlain government might fall due to a
backbencher rebellion. Even Ribbentrop's standard line that Germany was only
reacting to an unjust Versailles treaty, and really only wanted peace with
everyone, which had worked so well in the past, failed to carry weight.
Reflecting the changed mood, the Conservative M.P Alfred Duff Cooper wrote in a
letter to The Times:
“Some of us are getting rather tired of the sanctimonious attitude which seeks to take upon our shoulders the blame for every crime committed in Europe. If Germany had been left stronger in 1919 she would sooner have been in a position to do what she is doing today”.
the British government had genuinely believed in the German claim that it was
only the Sudetenland that concerned them, and that Germany was not seeking to
dominate Europe. By occupying the Czech part of Czecho-Slovakia, Germany lost
all credibility with its claim to be only righting the alleged wrongs of
Versailles. Shortly afterwards, false reports spread in mid-March 1939 by the
Romanian minister in London, Virgil Tilea, that his country was on the verge of
an immediate German attack, led to a dramatic U-turn in British policy of
resisting commitments in eastern Europe. Ribbentrop denied correctly that
Germany was going to invade Romania, but since his denials were issued in almost
identical language to the denials that he had issued in early March, when he
denied that anything was being planned against the Czechs, this increased
rather than diminished the "Romanian war scare" of March 1939. From
the British point of view, it was regarded as highly desirable to keep Romania
and its oil out of German hands; since Germany had hardly any natural supplies
of oil, the ability of the Royal Navy to successfully impose a blockade
represented a British trump card both to deter war, and if necessary, win a
war. If Germany were to occupy oil-rich Romania, this would undercut all of the
British strategic assumptions based on Germany's need to import oil from the
Americas. Since Poland was regarded as the East European state with the most
powerful army, it became imperative to tie Poland to Britain as the best way of
ensuring Polish support for Romania, since it was the obvious quid pro quo
that Britain would have to do something for Polish security if the Poles were
to be induced to do something for Romanian security. On 31 March 1939, the
British Prime Minister Chamberlain announced before the House of Commons the
British "guarantee" of Poland, which committed Britain to go to war
to defend Polish independence, though pointedly the "guarantee" excluded
Polish frontiers. As a result of the "guarantee" of Poland, Hitler
began to speak with increasing frequency of a British "encirclement"
policy, and used the “encirclement” policy as the excuse for denouncing in a
speech before the Reichstag on 28 April 1939 the A.G.N.A and the
Non-Aggression Pact with Poland.
late March, Ribbentrop had the German chargé d'affaires in Turkey, Hans Kroll,
start pressuring Turkey into an alliance with Germany. The Turks assured Kroll
that they had no objection to Germany making the Balkans their economic sphere
of influence, but would regard any move to make the Balkans into a sphere of
German political influence as most unwelcome.
April 1939, when Ribbentrop announced at a secret meeting of the Foreign Office's
senior staff that Germany was ending talks with the Poles and was instead going
to destroy Poland in an operation late that year, the news was greeted joyfully
by those present. Anti Polish feelings had long been rampant in the agency, and
so in marked contrast to their cool attitude about attacking Czechoslovakia in
1938, diplomats like Weizsäcker were highly enthusiastic about the prospect of
war with Poland in 1939. Professional diplomats like Weizsäcker who had never
accepted the legitimacy of Poland, which they saw as an "abomination"
created by the Versailles treaty, were whole-hearted in their support of a war
to wipe Poland off the map. This degree of unity within the German government
with both the diplomats and the military united in their support of Hitler's
anti-Polish policy, which stood in contrast to their views the previous year
about destroying Czechoslovakia, very much encouraged Hitler and Ribbentrop
with their chosen course of action.
April 1939, Ribbentrop received intelligence that Britain and Turkey were
negotiating an alliance intended to keep Germany out of the Balkans. On 23
April 1939 the Turkish Foreign Minister Şükrü Saracoğlu told the British
Ambassador of his nation's fears of Italian claims of the Mediterranean as Mare
Nostrum and German control of the Balkans, and suggested an
Anglo-Soviet-Turkish alliance as the best way of countering the Axis. As the
Germans had broken the Turkish diplomatic codes, Ribbentrop was well aware as
he warned in a circular to German embassies that Anglo-Turkish talks had gone
much further "than what the Turks would care to tell us". Ribbentrop
appointed von Papen Germany's ambassador in Ankara with instructions to win
Turkey to an alliance with Germany. Ribbentrop had been attempting to appoint
Papen as an Ambassador to Turkey since April 1938. His first attempt ended in
failure when the Turkish president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who remembered Papen
well with considerable distaste from World War I, refused to accept him as
Ambassador, complaining in private the nomination of Papen must have been meant
as some sort of German sick joke. The German Embassy in Ankara had been vacant
ever since the retirement of the previous ambassador Friedrich von Keller in
November 1938, and Ribbentrop was only able to get the Turks to accept Papen as
Ambassador when the Turkish Foreign Minister Şükrü Saracoğlu complained to
Kroll in April 1939 about when the Germans were ever going to send a new
ambassador. Papen's attempt to address Turkish fears of Italian expansionism by
getting Ribbentrop to have Count Galeazzo Ciano promise the Turks that they had
nothing to fear from Italy backfired when the Turks found the Italo-German
effort to be both patronizing and insulting.
of focusing on talking to the Turks, Ribbentrop and Papen became entangled in a
feud over Papen's demand that he by-pass Ribbentrop and send his dispatches
straight to Hitler. As a former Chancellor, Papen had granted this privilege of
by-passing the Foreign Minister while he was Ambassador to Austria.
Ribbentrop's friendship with Papen, which went back to 1918, ended over this
issue. At the same time, Ribbentrop took to shouting at the Turkish Ambassador
in Berlin, Mehemet Hamdi Arpag, as part of the effort to win Turkey over as a
German ally. Ribbentrop believed that Turks were so stupid that only by
shouting at them could one make them understand. One of the consequences of
Ribbentrop's heavy-handed behaviour was the signing of the Anglo-Turkish
alliance of 12 May 1939.
early 1939 onwards, Ribbentrop had become the leading advocate within the
German government of reaching an understanding with the Soviet Union as the
best way of pursuing both the short-term anti-Polish, and long-term
anti-British foreign policy goals.
first seems to have considered the idea of a pact with the Soviet Union after
an unsuccessful visit to Warsaw in January 1939, when the Poles again refused
Ribbentrop's demands about Danzig, the "extra-territorial" roads
across the Polish Corridor and the Anti-Comintern Pact. During the
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact negotiations, Ribbentrop was overjoyed by a report from
his Ambassador in Moscow, Count Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg, of a
speech by the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin before the 18th Party Congress in
March 1939 that was strongly anti-Western, which Schulenburg reported meant that
the Soviet Union might be seeking an accord with Germany. Ribbentrop followed
up Schulenburg's report by sending Dr. Julius Schnurre of the Foreign Office's
trade department to negotiate a German-Soviet economic agreement. At the same
time, Ribbentrop's efforts to convert the Anti-Comintern Pact into an
anti-British alliance met with considerable hostility from the Japanese over
the course of the winter of 1938–39, but with the Italians Ribbentrop enjoyed
some apparent success. Because of Japanese opposition to participation in an
anti-British alliance, Ribbentrop decided to settle for a bilateral
German-Italian anti-British treaty. Ribbentrop's efforts were crowned with
success with the signing of the Pact of Steel in May 1939, though this was
accomplished only by falsely assuring Mussolini that there would be no war for
the next three years.
![]() |
Stalin and Ribbentrop
at the signing of the Non-Aggression Pact, 23 August 1939
with the Soviet Union and the outbreak of World War II
played a key role in the conclusion of a Soviet-German non-aggression pact, the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, in 1939, and in
the diplomatic action surrounding the attack on Poland. In public, Ribbentrop
expressed great fury at the Polish refusal to allow for Danzig's return to the Reich,
or to grant Polish permission for the "extra-territorial" highways,
but since these matters were only intended after March 1939 to be a pretext for
German aggression, Ribbentrop always refused in private to allow for any talks
between German and Polish diplomats about these matters. It was Ribbentrop's
fear that if German-Polish talks did take place, there was the danger that the
Poles might back down and agree to the German demands as the Czechoslovaks had
done in 1938 under Anglo-French pressure, and thereby deprive the Germans of
their excuse for aggression. To further block German-Polish diplomatic talks,
Ribbentrop had the German Ambassador to Poland, Count Hans-Adolf von Moltke,
recalled, and refused to see the Polish Ambassador, Józef Lipski. On 25 May
1939, Ribbentrop sent a secret message to Moscow to tell the Soviet Foreign
Commissar, Vyacheslav Molotov, that if Germany attacked Poland "Russia's
special interests would be taken into consideration".
1939, in private, Hitler always referred to Britain as his main opponent, but
portrayed the coming destruction of Poland as a necessary prelude to any war
with Britain. Ribbentrop informed Hitler that any war with Poland would last
for only 24 hours, and that the British would be so stunned with this display
of German power that they would not honour their commitments. Along the same
lines, Ribbentrop told the Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano on 5
May 1939 "It is certain that within a few months not one Frenchman nor a
single Englishman will go to war for Poland".
supported his analysis of the situation by only showing Hitler diplomatic
dispatches that supported his view that neither Britain or France would honour
their commitments to Poland. In this, Ribbentrop was particularly supported by
the German Ambassador in London, Herbert von Dirksen, who reported that
Chamberlain knew "the social structure of Britain, even the conception of
the British Empire, would not survive the chaos of even a victorious war",
and so would back down over Poland. Furthermore, Ribbentrop had the German
Embassy in London provide translations from pro-appeasement newspapers like the
Daily Mail and the Daily Express for Hitler's benefit, which had
the effect of making it seem that British public opinion was more strongly
against going to war for Poland then was actually the case. The British
historian Victor Rothwell wrote that the newspapers that Ribbentrop used to
provide his press summaries for Hitler, such as the Daily Express and
the Daily Mail, were out of touch not only with British public opinion,
but also with British government policy in regard to Poland. The press
summaries Ribbentrop provided were particularly important, as Ribbentrop had
managed to convince Hitler that the British government secretly controlled the
British press, and just as in Germany, nothing appeared in the British press
that the British government did not want to appear. Furthermore, the Germans
had broken the British diplomatic codes and were reading the messages between
the Foreign Office in London to and from the Embassy in Warsaw. The decrypts
showed that there was much tension in Anglo-Polish relations with the British
pressuring the Poles to allow Danzig to rejoin the Reich and the Poles
staunchly resisting all efforts to pressure them into concessions to Germany.
On the basis of such decrypts, Hitler and Ribbentrop believed that the British
were bluffing with their warnings that they would go to war to defend Polish
independence. During the summer of 1939, Ribbentrop sabotaged all efforts at a
peaceful solution to the Danzig dispute, leading the American historian Gerhard
Weinberg to comment that "perhaps Chamberlain's haggard appearance did him
more credit than Ribbentrop's beaming smile" as the countdown to a war
that would kill millions inexorably gathered pace.
Chamberlain's European Policy in 1939 was based upon creating a "peace
front" of alliances linking Western and eastern European states to serve
as a "tripwire" meant to deter any act of German aggression The new
"containment" strategy adopted in March 1939 comprised giving firm
warnings to Berlin, increasing the pace of British rearmament and attempting to
form an interlocking network of alliances that would block German aggression
anywhere in Europe by creating such a formidable deterrence to aggression that
Hitler could not rationally chose that option. Underlying the basis of the
"containment" of Germany was the so-called "X documents" provided
by Carl Friedrich Goerdeler over the course of the winter of 1938–39 which
suggested that the German economy, under the strain of massive military
spending was on the verge of collapse, and which led British policy-makers to
the conclusion that if Hitler could be deterred from war and if his regime was
"contained" long enough, then the German economy would collapse, and
with it, presumably the Nazi regime. At the same time, British policy-makers
were afraid if Hitler were "contained", and faced with a collapsing
economy he would commit a desperate "mad dog act" of aggression as a
way of lashing out. Hence, the emphasis on pressuring the Poles to allow the
return of Danzig to Germany as a way of peacefully resolving the crisis by
allowing Hitler to back down without losing face. As part of a dual strategy to
avoid war via deterrence and appeasement of Germany, British leaders warned
that they would go to war if Germany attacked Poland while at the same time
tried to avoid war by holding unofficial talks with such would be peace-makers
like the British newspaper proprietor Lord Kemsley, the Swedish businessman
Axel Wenner-Gren and another Swedish businessmen Birger Dahlerus who attempted
to work out the basis for a peaceful return of Danzig.
May 1939, as part of his efforts to bully Turkey into joining the Axis,
Ribbentrop had arranged for the cancellation of the delivery of 60 heavy
howitzers from the Škoda Works, which the Turks had paid for in advance. The
German refusal either to deliver the artillery pieces or refund the 125 million
Reichsmarks the Turks had paid in advance for them was to be a major
strain on German-Turkish relations in 1939, and had the effect of causing
Turkey's politically powerful army to resist Ribbentrop's entreaties to join
the Axis. As part of the fierce diplomatic competition in Ankara in the spring
and summer of 1939 between von Papen on the one hand, and on the other the
French Ambassador, René Massigli, and the British Ambassador, Sir Hughe
Knatchbull-Hugessen, to win the allegiance of Turkey to either the Axis or the
Allies, Ribbentrop suffered a major reversal in July 1939 when Massigli was
able to arrange for major French arms shipments to Turkey on credit, to replace
the weapons the Germans refused to deliver to the Turks.
June 1939, Franco-German relations were strained when the head of the French
section of the Dienststelle Ribbentrop, Otto Abetz, was expelled from
France following allegations that he had bribed two French newspaper editors to
print pro-German articles. Ribbentrop was enraged by Abetz's expulsion, and
attacked Count Johannes von Welczeck, the German Ambassador in Paris, over his
failure to have the French re-admit Abetz. In July 1939, Ribbentrop's claims
about Bonnet's alleged statement of December 1938 were to lead to a lengthy war
of words via a series of letters to the French newspapers between Bonnet and
Ribbentrop over just what precisely Bonnet had said to Ribbentrop.
11 August 1939, Ribbentrop met the Italian Foreign Minister, Count Galeazzo
Ciano, and the Italian Ambassador to Germany, Count Bernardo Attolico, in
Salzburg. During that meeting, both Ciano and Attolico were horrified to learn
from Ribbentrop that Germany planned to attack Poland that summer, and that the
Danzig issue was just a pretext for aggression. When Ciano asked if there was
anything Italy could do to broker a Polish-German settlement that would avert a
war, he was told by Ribbentrop that "We want war!". Ribbentrop
expressed his firmly held belief that neither Britain nor France would go to
war for Poland, but if that should occur, he fully expected the Italians to
honour the terms of the Pact of Steel (which was both an offensive and
defensive treaty), and declare war not only on Poland, but on the Western
powers if necessary. Ribbentrop told his Italian guests that "the
localization of the conflict is certain" and "the probability of
victory is infinite". Ribbentrop brushed away Ciano's fears of a general
war because "France and England cannot intervene because they are
insufficiently prepared militarily and because they have no means of injuring
Germany". Ciano complained furiously that Ribbentrop had violated his
promise given only that spring, when Italy signed the Pact of Steel, that there
would be no war for the next three years. Ciano said that it was absurd to
believe that the Reich could attack Poland without triggering a wider
war and that now the Italians were left with the choice of either going to war
when they needed three more years to rearm or being forced into the humiliation
of having to violate the terms of the Pact of Steel by declaring neutrality
(which would make the Italians appear cowardly). Ciano complained in his diary
that his arguments "had no effect" (niente da fare) on
Ribbentrop, who simply refused to believe any information that did not fit in
with his preconceived notions. Despite Ciano's efforts to persuade Ribbentrop
to put off the attack on Poland until 1942, so as to allow the Italians time to
get ready for war, Ribbentrop was adamant that Germany had no interest in a
diplomatic solution of the Danzig question and only wanted a war to wipe Poland
off the map. The Salzburg meeting marked the moment when Ciano's dislike of
Ribbentrop was transformed into outright hatred, and of the beginning of his
disillusionment with the pro-German foreign policy that he had championed up to
that time.
21 August 1939, Hitler received a message from Stalin reading "The Soviet
Government has instructed me to say they agree to Herr von Ribbentrop's arrival
on 23 August". That same day, Hitler ordered German mobilization. The
extent that Hitler was influenced by Ribbentrop's advice can be seen in
Hitler's orders for a limited mobilization against Poland alone. Weizsäcker
recorded in his diary throughout the spring and summer of 1939 repeated
statements from Hitler that any German-Polish war would be only a localized
conflict and provided that the Soviet Union could be persuaded to stay neutral,
there was no danger of a general war. Hitler believed that British policy was
based upon securing Soviet support for Poland, which led him to perform a
diplomatic U-turn and support Ribbentrop's policy of rapprochement with the
Soviet Union as the best way of ensuring a local war. This was especially the
case as decrypts showed the British military attaché to Poland arguing that
Britain could not save Poland in the event of a German attack, and only Soviet
support offered the prospect of Poland holding out.
signing of the Non-Aggression Pact in Moscow on 23 August 1939 was the crowning
achievement of Ribbentrop's career. Ribbentrop flew to Moscow, where, over the
course of a thirteen-hour visit, Ribbentrop signed both the Non-Aggression Pact
and the secret protocols, which partitioned much of eastern Europe between the
Soviets and the Germans. Ribbentrop had only expected to see the Soviet Foreign
Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov, and was most surprised to be holding talks with
Joseph Stalin. During his trip to Moscow, Ribbentrop's talks with Stalin and
Molotov proceed very cordially and efficiently with the exception of the
question of Latvia, which Hitler had instructed Ribbentrop to try to claim for
Germany. When Stalin claimed Latvia for the Soviet Union, Ribbentrop was forced
to telephone Berlin for permission from Hitler to concede Latvia to the
Soviets. After finishing his talks with Stalin and Molotov, Ribbentrop, at a
dinner with the Soviet leaders, launched into a lengthy diatribe against the British
Empire, with frequent interjections of approval from Stalin, and then exchanged
toasts with Stalin in honour of German-Soviet friendship. For a brief moment in
August 1939, Ribbentrop convinced Hitler that the Non-Aggression Pact with the
Soviet Union would cause the fall of the Chamberlain government, and lead to a
new British government that would abandon the Poles to their fate. Ribbentrop
argued that with Soviet economic support (especially in the form of oil),
Germany was now immune to the effects of a British naval blockade, and as such,
the British would never take on Germany. On 23 August 1939 at a secret meeting
of the Reich's top military leadership at the Berghof, Hitler argued
neither Britain nor France would go to war for Poland without the Soviet Union,
and fixed "X-Day", the date for the invasion of Poland for 26 August.
Hitler added that "My only fear is that at the last moment some Schweinehund
will make a proposal for mediation". Unlike Hitler, who saw the
Non-Aggression Pact as merely a pragmatic device forced on him by
circumstances, namely the refusal of Britain or Poland to play the roles Hitler
had allocated to them, Ribbentrop regarded the Non-Aggression Pact as integral
to his anti-British policy.
signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact on 23 August 1939 not only won Germany
an informal alliance with the Soviet Union, but also neutralized Anglo-French
attempts to win Turkey to the "peace front". The Turks always
believed that it was essential to have the Soviet Union as an ally to counter
Germany, and the signing of the German-Soviet pact undercut completely the
assumptions behind Turkish security policy. The Anglo-French effort to include
the Balkans into the "peace front" had always rested on the
assumption that the cornerstone of the "peace front" in the Balkans
was to be Turkey, the regional super-power. Because of the Balkans were rich in
raw materials like iron, zinc and above all oil that could help Germany survive
a British blockade, it was viewed as highly important by the Allies to keep
German influence in the Balkans to a minimum, hence British efforts to link
British promises to support Turkey in the event of an Italian attack in
exchange for Turkish promises to help defend Romania from a German attack.
British and French leaders believed that the deterrent value of the "peace
front" could be increased if Turkey were a member and if the Turkish
Straits were open to Allied ships. This would not only allow the Allies to send
over the Black Sea troops and supplies to Romania, but also through Romania to
25 August 1939, Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler wavered for a moment when
the news reached Berlin of the ratification of the Anglo-Polish military
alliance and a personal message from Mussolini telling Hitler that Italy would
dishonour the Pact of Steel if Germany attacked Poland. This was especially
damaging to Ribbentrop, as he always assured Hitler that "Italy's attitude
is determined by the Rome-Berlin Axis". As a result of the message from Rome
and the ratification of the Anglo-Polish treaty, Hitler cancelled the invasion
of Poland which was planned for 26 August, and instead ordered it held back
until 1 September in order to give Germany some time to break up the
unfavourable international alignment. Though Ribbentrop continued to argue that
Britain and France were bluffing, both he and Hitler were prepared as a last
resort to risk a general war by invading Poland. Because of Ribbentrop's firmly
held views that Britain was Germany's most dangerous enemy and that an
Anglo-German war was thus inevitable, it scarcely mattered to him when his much
desired war with Britain came. The Greek historian Aristotle Kaillis wrote that
it was Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler together with his insistence that the
Western powers would in the end not go to war for Poland that was the most
important reason why Hitler did not cancel Fall Weiß all together
instead of postponing "X-day" for six days. Ribbentrop told Hitler
that his sources showed that Britain would only be militarily prepared to take
on Germany at the earliest in 1940 or more probably 1941, so this could only
mean that the British were bluffing. Even if the British were serious in their
warnings of war, Ribbentrop took the view that since a war with Britain was
inevitable, the risk of a war with Britain was an acceptable one and
accordingly he argued that Germany should not shy away from such challenges.
27 August 1939, Chamberlain sent the following letter to Hitler, which was
intended to counteract reports Chamberlain had heard from intelligence sources
in Berlin that Ribbentrop had convinced Hitler that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
would ensure that Britain would abandon Poland. In his letter to Hitler,
Chamberlain wrote:
"Whatever may prove to be the nature of the German-Soviet Agreement, it cannot alter Great Britain's obligation to Poland which His Majesty's Government have stated in public repeatedly and plainly and which they are determined to fulfil.It has been alleged that, if His Majesty's Government had made their position more clear in 1914, the great catastrophe would have been avoided. Whether or not there is any force in that allegation, His Majesty's Government are resolved that on this occasion there shall be no such tragic misunderstanding.If the case should arise, they are resolved, and prepared, to employ without delay all the forces at their command, and it is impossible to foresee the end of hostilities once engaged. It would be a dangerous illusion to think that, if war once starts, it will come to an early end even if a success on any one of the several fronts on which it will be engaged should have been secured"
for his part told Hitler that Chamberlain's letter was just a bluff, and urged
his master to call it.
the night of 30–31 August 1939, Ribbentrop had an extremely heated exchange
with the British Ambassador, Sir Nevile Henderson, who objected to Ribbentrop's
demand, given at about midnight, that if a Polish plenipotentiary did not
arrive in Berlin that night to discuss the German "final offer", then
the responsibility for the outbreak of war would not rest on the Reich.
Henderson stated that the terms of the German "final offer" were very
reasonable, but argued that Ribbentrop's time limit for Polish acceptance of
the "final offer" was most unreasonable, and furthermore, demanded to
know why Ribbentrop insisted upon seeing a special Polish plenipotentiary and
could not present the "final offer" to Józef Lipski or provide a
written copy of the "final offer". The Henderson-Ribbentrop meeting
became so tense that the two men almost came to blows. The American historian
Gerhard Weinberg described the Henderson-Ribbentrop meeting in this way:
"When Joachim von Ribbentrop refused to give a copy of the German demands to the British Ambassador [Henderson] at midnight of 30–31 August 1939, the two almost came to blows. Ambassador Henderson, who had long advocated concessions to Germany, recognized that here was a deliberately conceived alibi the German government had prepared for a war it was determined to start. No wonder Henderson was angry; von Ribbentrop on the other hand could see war ahead and went home beaming."
intended by Ribbentrop, the narrow time limit for acceptance of the "final
offer" made it impossible for the British government to contact the Polish
government in time about the German offer, let alone for the Poles to arrange
for a Polish plenipotentiary envoy to arrive in Berlin that night, thereby
allowing Ribbentrop to claim that the Poles had rejected the German "final
offer". As it was, a special meeting of the British cabinet called to
consider the "final offer", they declined to pass on the message to
Warsaw under the grounds this was not a serious proposal on the part of Berlin.
The "rejection" of the German proposal was one of the pretexts used
for the German aggression against Poland on 1 September 1939. The British
historian D.C. Watt wrote "Two hours later, Berlin Radio broadcast the
sixteen points, adding that Poland had rejected them. Thanks to Ribbentrop,
they had never even seen them". On 31 August, Ribbentrop met with Attolico
to tell him that Poland's "rejection" of the "generous"
German 16-point peace plan meant that Germany had no interest in Mussolini's offer
to call a conference about the status of Danzig. Besides the Polish
"rejection" of the German "final offer", the aggression
against Poland was justified with the Gleiwitz incident and other SS-staged
incidents on the German-Polish border.
soon as the news broke in the morning of 1 September 1939 that Germany had
invaded Poland, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini launched another
desperate peace mediation plan intended to stop the German-Polish war from
becoming a world war. Mussolini's motives were in no way altruistic, but he was
instead motivated entirely by a wish to escape the self-imposed trap of the
Pact of Steel, which had obligated Italy either to go to war at a time when the
country was entirely unprepared or to suffer the humiliation of having to
declare neutrality, which make him appear cowardly. The French Foreign Minister
Georges Bonnet acting on his own initiative told the Italian Ambassador to
France, Baron Raffaele Guariglia, that France had accepted Mussolini's peace
plan. Bonnet had Havas issued a statement at midnight on 1 September
saying:"The French government has today, as have several other
Governments, received an Italian proposal looking to the resolution of Europe's
difficulties. After due consideration, the French government has given a "positive
response". Though the French and the Italians were serious about
Mussolini's peace plan, which called for an immediate ceasefire and a
four-power conference à la Munich to consider Poland's borders, the
British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax stated that unless the Germans withdrew
from Poland immediately, then Britain would not attend the proposed conference.
Ribbentrop finally scuttled Mussolini's peace plan by stating that Germany had
utterly no interest in a ceasefire, in a withdrawal from Poland and in attending
the proposed peace conference.
on the morning of 3 September 1939 Chamberlain followed through with his threat
of a British declaration of war if Germany attacked Poland, a visibly shocked
Hitler asked Ribbentrop "Now what?", a question to which Ribbentrop
had no answer except to state that there would be a "similar message"
forthcoming from the French Ambassador Robert Coulondre, who arrived later that
afternoon to present the French declaration of war. Weizsäcker later recalled
that "On 3 Sept., when the British and French declared war, Hitler was
surprised, after all, and was to begin with, at a loss". The British
historian Richard Overy wrote that what Hitler thought he was starting in
September 1939 was only a local war between Germany and Poland, and his
decision to do so was largely because he vastly underestimated the risks of a
general war. In part due to Ribbentrop's influence, it has been often observed
that Hitler went to war in 1939 with the country he wanted as his ally – namely
the United Kingdom – as his enemy, and the country he wanted as his enemy –
namely the Soviet Union – as his ally.
the outbreak of World War II, Ribbentrop spent most of the Polish campaign
travelling with Hitler. On 27 September 1939, Ribbentrop made a second visit to
Moscow, where at meetings with the Soviet Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov
and Joseph Stalin, he was forced to agree to revising the Secret Protocols of
the Non-Aggression Pact in the Soviet Union's favour, most notably agreeing to
Stalin's demand that Lithuania go to the Soviet Union. The imposition of the
British blockade had made the Reich highly dependent upon Soviet
economic support, which placed Stalin in a strong negotiating position with
Ribbentrop. On 1 March 1940, Ribbentrop received Sumner Welles, the American
Under-Secretary of State, who was on a peace mission for president Franklin D.
Roosevelt, and did his best to abuse his American guest. Welles asked
Ribbentrop under what terms Germany might be willing to negotiate a compromise
peace, before the Phoney War became a real war. Ribbentrop told Welles that
only a total German victory "could give us the peace we want". Welles
reported to Roosevelt that Ribbentrop had a "completely closed and very
stupid mind". On 10 March 1940, Ribbentrop visited Rome where he met
Mussolini, who promised him that Italy would soon enter the war. For his
one-day Italian trip, Ribbentrop was accompanied by a staff of thirty-five,
including a gymnastics coach, a masseur, a doctor, two hairdressers, plus
various legal and economic experts from the Foreign Office. After the
Italo-German summit at the Brenner Pass on 18 March 1940, which was attended by
Hitler and Mussolini, Count Ciano wrote in his diary: "Everyone in Rome
dislikes Ribbentrop". On 7 May 1940, Ribbentrop founded a new section of
the Foreign Office, the Abteilung Deutschland (Department of Internal
German Affairs), under Martin Luther, to which was assigned the responsibility
for all anti-Semitic affairs. On 10 May 1940, Ribbentrop summoned the Dutch,
Belgian and Luxembourg ambassadors to present them with notes justifying the
German invasion of their countries, several hours after the Germans had invaded
those nations.
Much to Ribbentrop's fury, someone leaked the plans for the German invasion to
the Dutch Embassy in Berlin, which led Ribbentrop to devote the next several
months to conducting an unsuccessful investigation into who leaked the news.
This investigation tore apart the agency as colleagues were encouraged to
denounce each other.
early June 1940, when Mussolini informed Hitler that he at long last would
enter the war on 10 June 1940, Hitler was most dismissive, in private calling
Mussolini a cowardly opportunist who broke the terms of the Pact of Steel in
September 1939 when the going looked rough, and was only entering the war in
June 1940 after it was clear that France was beaten and it appeared that
Britain would soon make peace. Ribbentrop, though he shared Hitler's assessment
of the Italians, nonetheless welcomed Italy coming into war partially because
it seemed to affirm the importance of the Pact of Steel, which Ribbentrop had
negotiated and partly because with Italy now an ally, the Foreign Office had
more to do. Ribbentrop championed the so-called Madagascar Plan in June 1940 to
deport all of Europe's Jews to Madagascar after the presumed imminent defeat of
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Ribbentrop with
Marshal Ion Antonescu, in 1943
with wartime allies
a Francophile, argued that Germany should allow Vichy France a limited degree
of independence within a binding Franco-German partnership. To this end,
Ribbentrop appointed a colleague, Otto Abetz, from the Dienststelle
Ambassador to France with instructions to promote the political career of
Pierre Laval, who Ribbentrop had decided was the French politician most
favourable to Germany. The Foreign Office's influence in France varied, as
there were many other agencies competing for power there. But in general, from
late 1943 to mid-1944, the Foreign Office was second only to the SS in terms of
power in France.
the latter half of 1937, Ribbentrop had championed the idea of an alliance
between Germany, Italy, and Japan that would partition the British Empire between
them. After signing the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, Ribbentrop expanded
on this idea for an Axis alliance to include the Soviet Union to form a
Eurasian bloc that would destroy maritime states such as Britain. The German
historian Klaus Hildebrand argued that besides Hitler's foreign policy
programme, there were three other factions within the Nazi Party who had
alternative foreign policy programmes, whom Hildebrand dubbed the agrarians,
the revolutionary socialists, and the Wilhelmine Imperialists. Another German
diplomatic historian, Wolfgang Michalka argued that there was a fourth
alternative Nazi foreign policy programme, and that was Ribbentrop's concept of
a Euro-Asiatic bloc comprising the four totalitarian states of Germany, the
Soviet Union, Italy and Japan. Unlike the other factions, Ribbentrop's foreign
policy programme was the only one that Hitler allowed to be executed during the
years 1939–41, though it was more due to the temporary bankruptcy of Hitler's
own foreign policy programme that he had laid down in Mein Kampf and Zweites
Buch following the failure to achieve an alliance with Britain, than to a
genuine change of mind. Ribbentrop's foreign policy conceptions differed from
Hitler's in that Ribbentrop's concept of international relations owed more to
the traditional Wilhelmine Machtpolitik than to Hitler's racist and
Social Darwinist vision of different "races" locked in a merciless
and endless struggle over Lebensraum. The different foreign-policy
conceptions held by Hitler and Ribbentrop were illustrated in their reaction to
the Fall of Singapore in 1942: Ribbentrop wanted
this great British defeat to be a day of celebration in Germany, whereas Hitler
forbade any celebrations on the grounds that Singapore represented a sad day
for the principles of white supremacy. Another area of difference was that
Ribbentrop had an obsessive hatred for Britain – which he saw as the main enemy
– and the Soviet Union as important ally in the anti-British struggle; whereas
Hitler saw the alliance with the Soviet Union as only tactical, and was nowhere
as anti-British as his Foreign Minister.
August 1940, Ribbentrop oversaw the Second Vienna Award, which saw about 40% of
Transylvania region of Romania returned to Hungary. The decision to award so
much of Romania to the Hungarians was Hitler's, as Ribbentrop himself spent
most of the Vienna conference loudly attacking the Hungarian delegation for
their coolness towards attacking Czechoslovakia in 1938 and then demanding more
than their fair share of the spoils. When Ribbentrop finally got around to
announcing his decision, the Hungarian delegation who had expected Ribbentrop
to rule in favour of Romania broke out in cheers while the Romanian foreign
minister Mihail Manoilescu fainted. Without perhaps realizing it, Ribbentrop by
placing Romania within the German sphere of influence undermined the main
rationale for co-operation with the Soviet Union, since control of Romanian oil
meant that Germany was no longer dependent upon Soviet oil.
the fall of 1940, Ribbentrop made a sustained but unsuccessful effort to have
Spain enter the war on the Axis side. During his talks with the Spanish foreign
minister, Ramón Serrano Súñer, Ribbentrop affronted Súñer with his tactless
behaviour, especially his suggestion that Spain cede the Canary Islands to
Germany. An angry Súñer replied that he would rather see the Canaries sink into
the Atlantic then cede an inch of Spanish territory. An area where Ribbentrop
enjoyed more success arose in September 1940, when he had the Far Eastern agent
of the Dienststelle Ribbentrop, Dr. Heinrich Georg Stahmer, start
negotiations with the Japanese foreign minister, Yōsuke Matsuoka, for an
anti-American alliance (the German Ambassador to Japan, General Eugen Ott, was
excluded from the talks on Ribbentrop's orders). The end result of these talks
was the signing in Berlin on 27 September 1940 of the Tripartite Pact by Ribbentrop,
Count Ciano, and Japanese Ambassador Saburo Kurusu.
October 1940, Gauleiters Josef Bürckel and Robert Wagner oversaw the
almost total expulsion of the Jews into unoccupied France; they deported them
from the parts of Alsace-Lorraine that had been annexed that summer to the Reich,
but also from their Gaues as well. Ribbentrop treated in a "most
dilatory fashion" the ensuing complaints by the Vichy French government
over the expulsions.
November 1940, during the visit of the Soviet Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav
Molotov to Berlin, Ribbentrop tried hard to get the Soviet Union to sign the
Tripartite Pact. Ribbentrop argued that the Soviets and Germans shared a common
enemy in the form of the British Empire, and as such, it was in the best interests
of the Kremlin to enter the war on the Axis side. He proposed that, after the
defeat of Britain, they could carve up the territory in the following way: the
Soviet Union would have India and the Middle East, Italy the Mediterranean
area, Japan the British possessions in the Far East (presuming of course that
Japan would enter the war), and Germany would take central Africa and Britain.
Molotov was open to the idea of the Soviet Union entering the war on the Axis
side, but demanded as the price of entry into the war that Germany recognise
Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Hungary and Yugoslavia as within the
exclusive Soviet sphere of influence. Ribbentrop's efforts to persuade Molotov
to abandon his demands about Europe as the price of a Soviet alliance with
Germany were entirely unsuccessful. After Molotov left Berlin, the Soviet Union
indicated that it wished to sign the Tripartite Pact and enter the war on the
Axis side. Though Ribbentrop was all for taking Stalin's offer, Hitler by this
point had decided that he wanted to attack the Soviet Union. The German–Soviet
Axis talks led nowhere.
World War II continued, Ribbentrop's once-friendly relations with the SS became
increasingly strained. In January 1941, the nadir of SS-Auswärtiges Amt
relations was reached when the Iron Guard attempted a coup in Romania;
Ribbentrop supported Marshal Ion Antonescu's government and Himmler supported
the Iron Guard. In the aftermath of the failed coup in Bucharest, the Foreign
Office assembled evidence that the SD had backed the coup, which led to
Ribbentrop sharply restricting the powers of the SD police attachés. Since
October 1939 they had operated largely independently of the German embassies at
which they had been stationed. In the spring of 1941, Ribbentrop appointed an
assemblage of SA men to German embassies in eastern Europe, with Manfred von
Killinger going to Romania, Siegfried Kasche to Croatia, Adolf Beckerle to
Bulgaria, Dietrich von Jagow to Hungary, and Hans Ludin to Slovakia. The major
qualifications of all these men, none of whom had previously held a diplomatic
position before, were that they were close friends of Luther, and a way to
split the SS (the traditional rivalry between the SS and SA was still running
March 1941, Japan's Foreign Minister Yōsuke Matsuoka, a Germanophile, visited
Berlin. On 29 March 1941, during a conversation with Matsuoka, Ribbentrop as
instructed by Hitler told the Japanese nothing about the upcoming Operation Barbarossa, as Hitler believed that
he could defeat the Soviet Union on his own and preferred that the Japanese
attack Britain instead. Hitler did not wish for any information that might lead
the Japanese into attacking the Soviet Union to reach their ears. Ribbentrop
tried to convince Matsuoka to urge the government in Tokyo to attack the great
British naval base at Singapore, claiming the Royal Navy was too weak to
retaliate due to its involvement in the Battle of the Atlantic. Matsuoka
responded that preparations to occupy Singapore were under way.
the winter of 1940–41, Ribbentrop strongly pressured Yugoslavia to sign the
Tripartite Pact, despite advice from the German Legation in Belgrade that such
an action would probably lead to the overthrow of Crown Prince Paul, the
Yugoslav Regent. Ribbentrop's intention was to gain transit rights through that
country, which would allow the Germans to invade Greece. On 25 March 1941,
Yugoslavia reluctantly signed the Tripartite Pact; the next day the Yugoslav
military overthrew Prince Paul in a bloodless coup. When Hitler ordered
invasion of Yugoslavia, Ribbentrop was opposed, because he thought the Foreign
Office was likely to be excluded from ruling the occupied Yugoslavia. As Hitler
was displeased with Ribbentrop over his opposition to the invasion, the
minister took to his bed for the next couple of days. When Ribbentrop
recovered, he sought a chance to increase his agency's influence by giving
Croatia independence. Ribbentrop chose the Ustaša to rule Croatia. He had
Edmund Veesenmayer successfully conclude talks in April 1941 with General
Slavko Kvaternik of the Ustaša on having his party rule Croatia after the
German invasion. Reflecting his displeasure with the German Legation in
Belgrade, which had advised against pushing Yugoslavia to sign the Tripartite
Pact, when Germany bombed Belgrade on 6 April 1941, Ribbentrop had refused to
have the German Legation withdrawn in advance. They were left to survive the
fire-bombing as best they could.
liked and admired Stalin, and was against the attack on the USSR in 1941. He
passed a word to a Soviet diplomat: "Please tell Stalin I was against this
war, and that I know it will bring great misfortune to Germany." When it
came to time for Ribbentrop to present the German declaration of war on 22 June
1941 to the Soviet Ambassador, General Vladimir Dekanozov, Paul Schmidt
described the scene:
"It is just before four on the morning of Sunday, 22 June 1941 in the office of the Foreign Minister. He is expecting the Soviet Ambassador, Dekanozov, who had been phoning the Minister since early Saturday. Dekanozov had an urgent message from Moscow. He had called every two hours, but was told the Minister was away from the city. At two on Sunday morning, von Ribbentrop finally responded to the calls. Dekanozov was told that von Ribbentrop wished to meet with him at once. An appointment was made for 4 am
Von Ribbentrop is nervous, walking up and down from one end of his large office to the other, like a caged animal, while saying over and over, "The Führer is absolutely right. We must attack Russia, or they will surely attack us!" Is he reassuring himself? Is he justifying the ruination of his crowning diplomatic achievement? Now he has to destroy it "because that is the Führer's wish".
Dekanozov finally appeared, Ribbentrop read out a short statement saying that
the Reich had been forced into "military countermeasures" because of
an alleged Soviet plan to attack Germany in July 1941. Ribbentrop did not
present a declaration of war to General Dekanozov, confining himself to reading
the statement about Germany being forced to take "military
his opposition to Operation Barbarossa and a preference to concentrate against
Britain, on 28 June 1941, Ribbentrop began a sustained effort, without
consulting Hitler, to have Japan attack the Soviet Union. But Ribbentrop's
motives in seeking to have Japan enter the war were more anti-British then
anti-Soviet. On 10 July 1941 Ribbentrop ordered General Eugen Ott, the German
Ambassador to Japan to:
"Go on with your efforts to bring about the earliest possible participation of Japan in the war against Russia…The natural goal must be, as before, to bring about the meeting of Germany and Japan on the Trans-Siberian Railroad before winter sets in. With the collapse of Russia, the position of the Tripartite Powers in the world will be so gigantic that the question of the collapse of England, that is, the absolute annihilation of the British Isles, will only be a question of time. An America completely isolated from the rest of the world would then be faced with the seizure of those of the remaining positions of the British Empire important to the Tripartite Powers".
part of his efforts to bring Japan into Barbarossa, on 1 July 1941, Ribbentrop
had Germany break off diplomatic relations with Chiang Kai-shek and recognized
the Japanese-puppet government of Wang Jingwei as China's legitimate rulers.
Ribbentrop hoped that recognizing Wang would be seen as a coup that might add
to the prestige of the pro-German Japanese Foreign Minister Yōsuke Matsuoka,
who was opposed to opening American-Japanese talks. Despite Ribbentrop's best
efforts, Matsuoka was sacked as Foreign Minister later in July 1941, and the
Japanese-American talks began.
the war, Ribbentrop was found to have had culpability in the Holocaust based on
his persuading the leaders of satellite countries of the Third Reich to deport
Jews to the Nazi extermination camps. In August 1941, when the question of
whether to deport foreign Jews living in Germany arose, Ribbentrop argued
against deportation as a way of maximizing the Foreign Office's influence. To
deport foreign Jews living in the Reich, Ribbentrop had Luther negotiate
agreements with the governments of Romania, Slovakia, and Croatia to allow Jews
holding citizenship of those states to be deported. In September 1941, the
Reich Plenipotentiary for Serbia, Felix Benzler, reported to Ribbentrop that the
SS had arrested 8,000 Serbian Jews, whom they were planning to execute en
masse. He asked for permission to try to stop the massacre. Ribbentrop assigned
the question to Luther, who ordered Benzler to co-operate fully in the
the fall of 1941, Ribbentrop worked for the failure of the Japanese-American
talks in Washington and for Japan to attack the United States. In October 1941
Ribbentrop ordered General Ott to start applying pressure on the Japanese to
attack the Americans as soon as possible. Ribbentrop argued to Hitler that a
war between the United States and Germany was inevitable given the extent of
American aid to Britain and the increasingly frequent "incidents" in
the North Atlantic between U-boats and American warships guarding convoys to
Britain. He said that having such a war start with a Japanese attack on the
United States was the best way to begin it. Ribbentrop told Hitler that because
of his four years in Canada and the United States before 1914, he was an expert
on all things American; he thought that the United States was not a serious
military power. On 4 December 1941, the Japanese Ambassador General Hiroshi
Ōshima told Ribbentrop that Japan was on the verge of war with the United
States; in turn, Ribbentrop promised that Germany would join the war against
the Americans. On 7 December 1941, Ribbentrop was jubilant at the news of the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and did his utmost to support declaring war on
the United States. He delivered the declaration to the American Chargé
d'Affaires Leland B. Morris on 11 December 1941. In the winter and spring
of 1942 following American entry into war, the US successfully pressured all of
the Latin American states, except for Argentina and Chile, to declare war on
Germany. Ribbentrop considered taking declarations of war from such small
states as Costa Rica and Ecuador to be deeply humiliating, and he refused to
see any of the Latin American ambassadors. He had Weizsäcker accept their
declarations of war.
April 1942, as part of a diplomatic counterpart to Case Blue, Ribbentrop had
assembled in Hotel Adlon in Berlin a collection of anti-Soviet émigrés from the
Caucasus, intending to have them declared leaders of governments in exile. From
Ribbentrop's point of view, this had the dual benefit of ensuring popular
support for the German Army as it advanced into the Caucasus and of ensuring
that it was the Foreign Office that ruled the Caucasus once the Germans
occupied the area. Alfred Rosenberg, the German Minister of the East, saw this
as an intrusion into his area of authority, and told Hitler that the émigrés at
the Hotel Adlon were "a nest of Allied agents". To Ribbentrop's
disappointment, Hitler sided with Rosenberg.
the often fierce rivalry with the SS, the Foreign Office played a key role in
arranging the deportations of Jews to the death camps from France (1942–44),
Hungary (1944–45), Slovakia, Italy (after 1943), and the Balkans. Ribbentrop
assigned all of the Holocaust-related work to Martin Luther, an old crony from
the Dienststelle who represented the Foreign Ministry at the Wannsee
Conference. In 1942, Ambassador Otto Abetz secured the deportation of 25,000
French Jews, and Ambassador Hans Ludin secured the deportation of 50,000 Slovak
Jews to the death camps. Only once, in August 1942, did Ribbentrop try to
restrict the deportations, but only because of jurisdictional disputes with the
SS. Ribbentrop halted deportations from Romania and Croatia; in the case of the
former, he was insulted because the SS were negotiating with the Romanians
directly, and in the case of the latter, he learned that the SS and Luther had
pressured the Italians in their zone of occupation to deport their Jews without
first informing Ribbentrop. He had required being kept updated on all
developments in Italo-German relations. In September 1942, after a meeting with
Hitler, who was unhappy with his Foreign Minister's actions, Ribbentrop changed
course and ordered the deportations to be resumed immediately.
November 1942, following Operation Torch, Ribbentrop met with Pierre Laval
in Munich. He presented Laval with an ultimatum for Germany's occupation of the
French unoccupied zone and Tunisia. Ribbentrop tried unsuccessfully to arrange
for the Vichy French troops in North Africa to be formally placed under German
command. In December 1942, he met with the Italian Foreign Minister Count
Galeazzo Ciano, who carried Mussolini's request urging the Germans to go on the
defensive in the Soviet Union in order to focus on attacking North Africa.
Ribbentrop joined with Hitler in belittling Italy's war effort. During the same
meeting in East Prussia with Count Ciano, Pierre Laval arrived. He quickly
agreed to Hitler's and Ribbentrop's demands that he place French police under
the command of more radical anti-Semitics and transport hundreds of thousands
of French workers to labor in Germany's war industry.
low point in Ribbentrop's relations with the SS occurred in February 1943, when
the SD backed a Luther-led internal putsch to oust Ribbentrop as Foreign
Minister. Luther had become estranged from Ribbentrop because Frau Ribbentrop
treated Luther as a household servant. She pushed her husband into ordering an
investigation into allegations of corruption on Luther's part. Luther's putsch
failed largely because Himmler decided that a Foreign Ministry headed by Luther
would be a more dangerous opponent than the Ribbentrop version. At the last
minute, he withdrew his support from Luther. In putsch's aftermath,
Luther was sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp.
April 1943, during a summit meeting with Hungary's Admiral Horthy, Ribbentrop
strongly pressed the Hungarians to deport their Jewish population to the death
camps, but was unsuccessful. During their meeting, Ribbentrop declared
"the Jews must either be exterminated or taken to the concentration camps.
There is no other possibility".
the war went on, Ribbentrop's influence waned. Because most of the world was at
war with Germany, the Foreign Ministry's importance diminished as diplomacy was
extremely limited. By January 1944, Germany had diplomatic relations with only
Argentina, Ireland, Vichy France, the Salo Republic in Italy, Occupied Denmark,
Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Switzerland,
the Holy See, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Thailand, Japan, and the Japanese puppet
states of Manchukuo and the Wang Ching-wei régime of China. Later that year,
Argentina and Turkey severed ties with Germany; Finland, Romania, and Bulgaria
all joined the Allies and declared war on the Reich.
found Ribbentrop increasingly tiresome and avoided him. The Foreign Minister's
pleas for permission to seek peace with at least some of Germany's enemies –
the Soviet Union in particular – played a role in their estrangement. As his
influence declined, Ribbentrop spent his time feuding with other Nazi leaders
over control of anti-Semitic policies to curry Hitler's favour.
suffered a major blow when many old Foreign Office diplomats participated in
the 20
July 1944 putsch
and assassination attempt on Hitler. Ribbentrop had not known of the plot, but
the participation of so many current and former Foreign Ministry members
reflected badly on him. Hitler felt that Ribbentrop's "bloated
administration" prevented him from keeping proper tabs on his diplomats'
activities. Ribbentrop worked closely with the SS, with which he had
reconciled, to purge the Foreign Office of those involved in the putsch.
20 April 1945, Ribbentrop attended Hitler's 56th birthday party in Berlin.
Three days later, Ribbentrop attempted to meet with Hitler, but was rejected
with the explanation the Fuhrer had more important things to do. The following
month, Ribbentrop was arrested by Sergeant Jacques Goffinet, a French citizen
who had joined the Belgian SAS and was working with British forces near
Hamburg. Found with him was a rambling letter addressed to the British Prime
Minister "Vincent Churchill" criticizing British foreign policy for
anti-German bias, blaming the British for the Soviet occupation of eastern
Germany, and for the advance of "Bolshevism" into central Europe.
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Detention report and
Mugshots of Joachim von Ribbentrop (1945)
and execution
was a defendant at the Nuremberg Trials. The Allies' International Military
Tribunal convicted him on all four counts: crimes against peace, deliberately
planning a war of aggression, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
According to the judgment, Ribbentrop was actively involved in the planning of
the invasion of Poland, and before that the takeovers of Austria and
Czechoslovakia. He was closely involved in the "final
solution"; as early as 1942 he had ordered German diplomats in Axis
countries to ramp up the process of sending Jews to death camps in the east. He
supported the lynching of Allied airmen shot down over Germany, and helped to
cover up the 1944 murder of a French general being held as a prisoner of war.
He was held directly responsible for atrocities that took place in Denmark and
Vichy France, since the top officials in those two occupied countries reported
to him. Ribbentrop claimed that Hitler made all of the important decisions, and
that he had been deceived by Hitler's repeated claims that he only wanted
peace. The Tribunal rejected this argument, saying that given how closely
involved Ribbentrop was with the execution of the war, "he could not have
remained unaware of the aggressive nature of Hitler's actions."
in prison, Ribbentrop remained loyal to Hitler: "Even
with all I know, if in this cell Hitler should come to me and say 'Do this!', I
would still do it."
Gilbert, an American Army psychologist, was allowed to examine the Nazi leaders
who stood trial. Among other tests, he administered a German version of the
Wechsler-Bellevue IQ test. Joachim von Ribbentrop scored 129, the 10th highest
among the Nazi leaders tested. At one point during the trial, a US Army interpreter
asked Baron Ernst von Weizsäcker how Hitler could have promoted Ribbentrop to
high office. Weizsäcker responded, "Hitler never noticed Ribbentrop's
babbling because Hitler always did all the talking."
16 October 1946 Ribbentrop became the first convicted political appointee to be
hanged. (Göring had committed suicide before his scheduled execution.) He was
escorted up the 13 steps of the gallows and asked if he had any final words. He
said: "God protect Germany. God have mercy on my
soul. My final wish is that Germany should recover her unity and that, for the
sake of peace, there should be understanding between East and West. I wish
peace to the world." Nuremberg Prison Commandant Burton C. Andrus
later recalled that, immediately before the hood was placed over his head,
Ribbentrop turned to the prison's Lutheran chaplain and whispered, "I'll see you again."
Members of the US Army cremated Ribbentrop’s remains and scattered his
ashes in an unmarked location.
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Joachim von
Ribbentrop's body after his execution.
in popular culture
von Ribbentrop has been portrayed by the following actors in film, television
and theatre productions;
- Henry Daniell in the 1943 United States propaganda film Mission to Moscow
- Graham Chapman (as "Ron Vibbentrop") in the 1970 British television comedy Monty Python's Flying Circus: The Naked Ant
- Henryk Borowski in the 1971 Polish film Epilogue at Nürnberg
- Miodrag Radovanovic in the 1971 Yugoslavian television production Nirnberški Epilog
- Geoffrey Toone in the 1973 British television production The Death of Adolf Hitler
- Robert Hardy in the 1974 television production The Gathering Storm
- Kosti Klemelä in the 1978 Finnish television production Sodan ja rauhan miehet
- Demeter Bitenc in the 1979 Yugoslavian television production Slom
- Anton Diffring in the 1983 United States television production The Winds of War
- Hans-Dieter Asner in the 1985 television production Mussolini and I
- Richard Kane in the 1985 US/Yugoslavian television production Mussolini: The Untold Story
- John Woodvine in the 1989 British television production Countdown to War
- Wolf Kahler in the 1993 Merchant-Ivory film The Remains of the Day
- Benoît Girard in the 2000 Canadian/US TV production Nuremberg
- Ivaylo Geraskov in the 2006 British television docudrama Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial
- Edward Baker-Duly in the 2010 BBC Wales/Masterpiece TV production Upstairs, Downstairs
- Last words: "Gott schützt Deutschland!" (God protect Germany)
- My last wish is that Germany realize its entity and that an understanding be reached between East and West. I wish peace to the world.
- Last words, 10/16/46. Quoted in "The Mammoth Book of Eyewitness World War II" - Page 562 - by Jon E. Lewis - History - 2002
- Death, death. Now I won't be able to write my beautiful memoirs.
- To Dr. G. M. Gilbert, after receiving the death sentence. Quoted in "Nuremberg Diary" - by G. M. Gilbert - History - 1995
- I think the only way one can arrive at an understanding of his anti-Semitism growing all the time is because in America your Mr. Roosevelt had his brain trust which was made up of so many Jews, Felix Frankfurter, Claude Pepper - was it Pepper? I can't recall the other names. Oh yes, Morgenthau. It made Hitler feel more and more that an international conspiracy had caused the war, with the Jews behind it.
- To Leon Goldensohn, January 27, 1946, from "The Nuremberg Interviews" by Leon Goldensohn, Robert Gellately - History - 2004
- I rather liked Stalin and Molotov, got along fine with them.
- To Leon Goldensohn, February 16, 1946, from "The Nuremberg Interviews" by Leon Goldensohn, Robert Gellately - History - 2004
- I don't mean that it is important whether a few of us like Goering, myself, or the others are sentenced to death or hard labor or whatever, but to the German people we will always remain their leaders, right or wrong, and in a few years even you Americans and the rest of the world will see this trial as a mistake. The German people will learn to hate the Americans, distrust the British and French, and unfortunately, perhaps be taken in by the Russians. That will be the worst calamity of all. I hate to think of Moscow ruling Germany or Germany becoming a territorial possession of the Soviet Union. The Allies should take the attitude, now that the war is over, that mistakes have been made on both sides, that those of us here on trial are German patriots, and that though we may have been misled and gone too far with Hitler, we did it in good faith and as German citizens. Furthermore, the German people will always regard our condemnation by a foreign court as unjust and will consider us martyrs.
- To Leon Goldensohn, June 23, 1946, from "The Nuremberg Interviews" by Leon Goldensohn, Robert Gellately - History - 2004
- I was truly under Hitler's spell, that cannot be denied. I was impressed with him from the moment I first met him, in 1932. He had terrific power, especially in his eyes. Now the tribunal accuses us of conspiracy. I say, how can one have a conspiracy in a dictatorship government? One man and one man only made all the crucial decisions. That was the Fuhrer. In all my dealings with him I never discussed the exterminations or anything of that sort. What I shall never comprehend is that six weeks before the end of the war he assured me we'd win by a nose. I left his presence then and said that from that time forth I was completely at a loss — that I didn't understand a thing. Hitler always, until the end, and even now, had a strange fascination over me. Would you call it abnormal of me? Sometimes, in his presence, when he spoke of all his plans, the good things he would do for the Volk, vacations, highways, new buildings, cultural advantages and so forth, tears would come to my eyes. Would that be because I'm a hysterical weak man?
- To Leon Goldensohn, July 15, 1946, from "The Nuremberg Interviews" by Leon Goldensohn, Robert Gellately - History - 2004
- I know for a fact that this idea of the Jews causing the war and the Jews being so all important is nonsense. But that was Hitler's idea, and...was pure fantasy. As I say, Hitler is a riddle to me and will always remain so.
- To Leon Goldensohn. From "The Nuremberg Interviews" by Leon Goldensohn - Page 190
About Ribbentrop
- Joachim von Ribbentrop is like a man of wood.
- Karl Dönitz to Leon Goldensohn, March 3, 1946.
- A foreign minister who knew little of foreign affairs and nothing of foreign policy.
- When apprehensions abroad threatened the success of the Nazi regime for conquest, it was the duplicitous Ribbentrop, the salesman of deception, who was detailed to pour wine on the troubled waters of suspicion by preaching the gospel of limited and peaceful intentions.
- Robert H. Jackson
- That man always made it a point to speak German, although he spoke English well enough. That was because he imitated Hitler to the last degree. He would say that his reason for speaking German instead of English during conferences with English-speaking representatives was that he wanted to concentrate on the subject in hand, and not on the language. Ribbentrop was a complete imitator of Hitler - even to the design of his cap. Originally he had a nice cap, but then he imitated the stationmaster type of cap preferred by Hitler.
- Paul O. Schmidt to Leon Goldensohn, March 13, 1946.
- He was interested mainly, I might say, solely in his personal standing with Hitler. He spent hours and days drafting letters of protest about Goebbels' interference in his affairs - merely because he was jealous of maintaining his prestige. Ribbentrop had an abnormal desire for rank and position. He wanted personal influence and good standing with Hitler. He did not want anybody to be closer to Hitler than himself. In this way he was unlike Himmler, who, I am convinced, wanted military power. Ribbentrop wanted to satisfy his own vanity. He is a very superficial man.
- Paul O. Schmidt to Leon Goldensohn, March 13, 1946.
- Need one comment on that fool? He is not a foreign minister but a blind adherent of Hitler. He is also personally disagreeable and vain.
- Erhard Milch to Leon Goldensohn, March 13, 1946.
- I never thought much of Ribbentrop's abilities. As a foreign minister he was lacking in understanding and experience. I was against Hitler's choosing Ribbentrop at the time he did. I wanted Neurath to remain. He was not a strong man, and Hitler could tell him what to do, but he would do it more intelligently and with more finesse than Ribbentrop.
- Hermann Göring to Leon Goldensohn, May 27, 1946.
- He is a good fellow, but he always appears as if he will fall apart any minute. Sometimes, I have a hard time when he bores me in his remarks in court. That he did the Führer's will and followed instructions is correct. He did more or less as I advised him during his defense, but he has no ability to spar with the prosecution. If I had been foreign minister I would be able to defend my actions, no matter what they had on me. But Ribbentrop is so weak and indecisive.
- Hermann Göring to Leon Goldensohn, May 27, 1946.
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