Last year on this day
(30 September 2011), in northern Yemen's al-Jawf province, two Predator drones
fired Hellfire missiles at a vehicle containing al-Aulaqi and three other
suspected al-Qaeda members. A witness said the group had stopped to eat
breakfast while traveling to Ma'rib Governorate. A Predator drone was spotted
by the group, which then tried to flee in the vehicle. Please read more about
Alwaki from Wikipedia.
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al-Aulaqi in Yemen in 2008.
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launching a Hellfire missile.
There is another Pro Death Penalty
argument in response to The Debate in my previous post, “THE DEATH PENALTY DEBATE: CAN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BE SIMILAR TO THE ARMED FORCES?”
The Mail on Sunday
“Of Course it was Right to Kill Awlaki – Why Would You Even Ask.”
DATE: Friday 30
September 2011
AUTHOR: Charlie
INFORMATION: Charlie Wolf (born 12 April
1959) is a British-based American radio talk-show host, disc jockey and
political commentator, originally from Boston, and formerly the Communications
Director of Republicans Abroad UK. Wolf is best known for the TalkSport show he
hosted on Saturdays and Sundays from 1am to 6am, following Mike Dickin. Wolf
was forced to leave talkSPORT 2006 when the station hired Jon Gaunt, shifting
Ian Collins back to overnights and Mike Mendoza to the weekend shifts occupied
by Wolf, leaving no space in the schedule for him. He is now a featured writer
and blogger for the Mail Online's "Right Minds" page edited by Simon
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Charlie Wolf |
I heard the news this morning that the American Islamist radical, Anwar al
Awlaki, was killed in Yemen my first thought, after those of the joy that a
very dangerous and evil man had been neutralised, was to wonder, “how long until some
holier-than-though lefty, from the false heights of his shaky moral high-ground
will argue speciously that this was an unfair and unjust killing.”
didn’t take long.
caught the news this morning on the Fox News Channel when the story first broke
with sketchy details. Not much later, on Twitter, like the tinkling of brass in
the hollow echo chamber of the chattering intellectual classes, there were
calls of a “lack of due process” and “the targeting of American citizens by
their government,” and that Awlaki had “no trial.”
Awlaki had US citizenship; he was targeted for assassination by the CIA and US
Military; his death reportedly signed-off by the president himself. The
killing, by a couple of Hellfire Missiles, arriving silently from an American
Predator drone, hit him from out-of-no-where and moved him swiftly from this
earth to Jihad Hell.
Was it right to kill al Awlaki? Yes, of course it was, I can’t believe anyone would even ask. That’s not to say that we should not take issues of due process seriously but in this instance the decision was clear; our actions correct and needed.
Was it right to kill al Awlaki? Yes, of course it was, I can’t believe anyone would even ask. That’s not to say that we should not take issues of due process seriously but in this instance the decision was clear; our actions correct and needed.
was a very dangerous threat to America –not to mention the world and the local
Yemeni Muslim population, many who died at al Qaeda’s hands-- and this
outweighed all other considerations.
Process? Does a man who inspired fellow Americans to kill their countrymen; to
put bombs in their underpants to take down commercial aircraft, sound like
someone who believes in due process himself? Awlaki, a member of a foreign
–though non-state military entity—was at war with the United States. He was in
foreign, hostile territory; there was no way the CIA or US Marshals could walk
up to him, cuff him and read him his rights.
not be confused or misled. There are many who would falsely lead you astray in
thinking that Awlaki deserved rights that weren’t his. Awlaki was not a common
criminal – this did not involve domestic law; these were acts of war –a clear
and present danger—and the US responded accordingly. The US killings were
deliberate and judicious using the minimum force required. Hellfire missiles
are pretty precise and deadly. There was a legal process here involving
civilian government authority and military command and control. Before the
president signed-off on a kill order he was fully briefed by the CIA. A
convincing case –presenting solid evidence— was presented. We are at war, a war
declared by al Qaeda and recognised by the United States. Congress gave George
W. Bush the authority to use all necessary means to fight this war – and that
authority carries on with President Obama along with the authority to kill
enemies like Awlaki.
decision was right, legal and proper.
who wants join al Qaeda will think twice and anyone replacing Awlaki should be
constantly looking over their shoulder.
was a mastermind recruiter. In many ways he was more dangerous, effective and
prolific than bin Laden himself. Bin Laden was old school where Awlaki was a jihadi internet rock star;
with his fluent English and American accent he had the unique ability to speak
directly to, and recruit and radicalise young Americans to join al Qaeda; or
inspire them to work independently as lone wolves. His internet magazine,
“Inspire”, published on the web by Samir Khan (also killed in the attacks) has
been likened to a breezy Martha Stewart style magazine for jihadis, murderers
and terrorists. Filled with terrorist propaganda, one online article taught how
to make a bomb in your kitchen.
October 2010 issue includes an article penned by Khan, entitled “I Am Proud to
be a Traitor to America.” The English language magazine, featuring speeches by
Osama bin Laden, is aimed at American and British audiences. It is an effective
radicalizing tool.
was Awlaki’s ‘webmaster’ getting his message of radicalisation out to the world
on the internet. Khan ran radical Islam’s Facebook page.
was the man behind the underpants bomber, the plot to put bombs into toner
cartridges placed on commercial aircraft; Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the
Detroit bomber; Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber; and connected to
Roshonora Choudhry, who stabbed a Labour MP and was in communication with Major
Nidal Hassan, the American Army psychiatrist who is being tried for shooting
fellow US military servicemen at their base, Fort Hood in Texas, killing 13 and
wounding 29 others.
case for his elimination was conclusive.
other men killed in the attack include one of bin Laden’s former right hand men
and a leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Also killed was Ibrahim al
Asiri, a master bomb maker who developed a way to make non-metallic bombs that
could get past airport metal detectors. He designed the failed underpants bomb.
He will fortunately be very hard to replace.
Qaeda is far from finished, though they are weakened and dispirited. It is
harder to recruit to an organisation when they are losing and on the back foot.
We have them on the run and we are not going to stop!
her seminal book , “Londonistan,” the Daily Mail and Mail Online’s Melanie
Philips wrote how the UK government, through years of “denial” allowed radicals
to freely move, settle and publish from London, and had turned the city into
jihad central. “Under the noses of the British government, parliament,
intelligence services and the police, Britain had become the European hub for
the promotion, recruitment and financing of Islamist terror and extremism,” she
wrote. Yet, ten years later this has yet to be fully addressed.
according to the Henry Jackson Society, Awlaki was a frequent visitor to
London, even as recently as 2009 by “which time his views on violent jihadism
were well known.” This is a worrying and stunning revelation knowing Awlaki’s
penchance for recruitment and radicalization.
Henry Jackson Society delineates these
In June 2003, Awlaki spoke at a number of events organised by the Muslim
Association of Britain (MAB) and the Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS),
Muslim Brotherhood-aligned organisations. He was introduced as a
"distinguished guest" to Muslim students from across the country at
the FOSIS annual conference.
In December 2003, Awlaki spoke at the East London Mosque (ELM), in Tower
Hamlets. He participated in a "Stop Police Terror" event, where he
told the congregation not to cooperate with the authorities' counterterrorism
In January 2009, Awlaki returned to the ELM, headlining - via video-link - a
New Year's Day event titled "The End of Time". In a clear echo of the
9/11 attacks, the promotional material featured an image the New York skyline
in flames. Following media interest brought about by HJS staff highlighting
Awlaki's scheduled attendance, ELM issued a statement: "Mr Awlaki has not
been proven guilty in a court of law. Everyone is entitled to their point of
In April 2009, Awlaki was invited to address City University ISOC's annual
dinner, again by video-link. The event was cancelled due, once again, to pressure
from HJS staff.
Also in April 2009, Awlaki was the principal lecturer via video link in a
weekend course organised by the al-Wasatiyah Foundation. The course was held at
the Brady Arts Centre, a community centre funded and run by Tower Hamlets council.
In August 2009, Awlaki was due to give another video lecture at Kensington and
Chelsea Town Hall, organised by Moazzam Begg's Cageprisoners group. While
further pressure from HJS staff and other organisations led to the event's
cancellation, City ISOC posted Awlaki's pre-recorded audio message to its
war on terror is fought on many fronts. The killing of people like Awlaki with
Hellfire missiles is one of them; so are the years of meticulous intelligence
gathering and research that led to his assassination. The fact is that we also
need to win the battle of ideas. That means the public need to understand the
differences between the laws of war from criminal and civil law; why the laws
of war apply here. It takes an understanding and acknowledgement of the real
threats we are up against and the freedoms we are fighting for. That the
ideology promulgated by the likes of Awlaki is illiberal, fascist and a threat
to the cause of freedom. There are no moral relativisms here. Our failure to
understand the threat against us will lead to our losing not just the battle of
ideas but the battle itself.