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Judge asks for killer who stabbed a student to death for rejecting his marriage proposal to be hanged on LIVE TV in Egypt [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11049595/Judge-asks-killer-stabbed-student-death-hanged-LIVE-TV-Egypt.html] |
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If the death penalty was not imposed then "wrong really has finally totally triumphed over right and all civilised society, all we hold dear, is the loser." - John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington [PHOTO SOURCE: https://quozio.com/quote/hwwv7bcchftj/1092/if-the-death-penalty-was-not-imposed-then-wrong-really-has] https://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2020/11/john-stevens-baron-stevens-of.html |
An Egyptian Judge asks for killer who stabbed student, Naira Ashraf to death for rejecting his marriage proposal to be hanged on LIVE TV in Egypt. I send my utmost empathy and sympathy to the family members of Naira and I hope the killer would be executed in public.
As Louis Pojman said:
"Public executions of the convicted murderer would serve as a reminder that crime does not pay. Public executions of criminals seem an efficient way to communicate the message that if you shed innocent blood, you will pay a high price... I agree... on the matter of accountability but also believe such publicity would serve to deter homicide." ["Why the Death Penalty Is Morally Permissible," from the 2004 book edited by Adam Bedau and titled Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment?]
There is no way at all, any abolitionist can call the killer innocent of the crime, his crime was capture on CCTV and there were many witnesses around. He is guilty beyond any doubt! I suggest showing the video to any abolitionist, they will keep SILENT for sure! His case was similar to the murder of Nallapu Ramya.
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Naira Ashraf who was killed by a fellow student outside Mansoura University. Images via Facebook/Ahmed ElShazly [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www-thesouthafrican-com.nproxy.org/news/naira-ashraf-mansoura-university-egypt-murder-video-mohamed-adel-latest/amp/] |
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Capital punishment is the law in Arizona and the appropriate response to those who commit the most shocking and vile murders. This is about the administration of justice and ensuring the last word still belongs to the innocent victims who can no longer speak for themselves. - Mark Brnovich [PHOTO SOURCE: https://twitter.com/GeneralBrnovich/status/1379535633631346695] |
Egyptian criminal court sentences murderer of Naira Ashraf to capital punishment
Photo of Al-Masry Al-Youm Al-Masry Al-Youm June 28, 2022
The Mansoura Criminal Court on Tuesday sentenced the murderer of Naira Ashraf to death by hanging.
It referred the death sentence of the defendant to the Grand Mufti Shawky Allam for approval.
The court set the session for July 6 to read the final verdict.
A referral to the mufti is required in the Egyptian court system ahead of death sentences, even though the mufti’s opinion is advisory, not binding.
On Sunday, the court adjourned the case to today’s session to hear the pleading of the Public Prosecution and the defense of the civil plaintiffs and the defendant.
The defendant admitted to committing the crime during Sunday’s session, claiming he was force harassed many times by tg the victim who apparently threatened him and sent thugs after him.
He claimed he brought a knife with him on the day of the crime to defend himself, and attacked the victim after she insulted him in public
The Public Prosecutor referred the defendant Mohamed Adel on Wednesday to trial before to the Criminal Court over charges of premeditated murder of Ashraf.
The referral decision came 48 hours after the accident.
This was in coordination with the competent court of appeals and the first court sessions were set.
The Public Prosecution had established evidence before the accused from the testimony of 25 witnesses, including students, university security personnel, and shop workers in the vicinity of the incident.
The victim’s family and friends also testified that the defendant used to harass and threaten the victim with harm because she refused to marry him after he proposed to her, and he tried more than once to force her to do so, which led them to report him to the police.
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Naira Ashraf was stabbed several times, including on her neck and chest, local media said [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11049595/Judge-asks-killer-stabbed-student-death-hanged-LIVE-TV-Egypt.html] |
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“As regards capital cases, the trouble is that emotional men and women always see only the individual whose fate is up at the moment, and neither his victim nor the many millions of unknown individuals who would in the long run be harmed by what they ask. Moreover, almost any criminal, however brutal, has usually some person, often a person whom he has greatly wronged, who will plead for him. If the mother is alive she will always come, and she cannot help feeling that the case in which she is so concerned is peculiar, that in this case a pardon should be granted. It was really heartrending to have to see the kinfolk and friends of murderers who were condemned to death, and among the very rare occasions when anything governmental or official caused me to lose sleep were times when I had to listen to some poor mother making a plea for a criminal so wicked, so utterly brutal and depraved, that it would have been a crime on my part to remit his punishment.” – Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.deviantart.com/pathtoenlighten/art/Theodore-Roosevelt-support-for-the-death-penalty-714061647] |
Egyptian Court Confirms Death Sentence for Man Who Killed Nayera Ashraf
A court issued a preliminary death sentence last week following a murder case that caused uproar in in Egypt and across the Arab world.
Safaa KasraouiJuly 06, 2022 11:46 a.m.
An Egyptian court confirmed today the death sentence verdict against a man who murdered university student Nayera Ashraf.
The defendant, Mohamed Adel, stabbed the university student in a busy street in front of the University of Al Mansura.
The man pleaded guilty, saying he stabbed the victim several times, including on her neck and chest.
Last week, the Mansoura Criminal Court issued a preliminary death sentence verdict against the man on charges of premeditated murder.
However, the court referred the case to the Grand Mufti of Egypt before confirming the verdict against him today. Referring sensitive cases to the mufti, the country’s highest authority on Islamic law, is part of legal procedure in Egypt. The mufti has the right to either approve or reject the preliminary verdict.
The defendant confessed to killing the victim due to disputes between them after she rejected his marriage proposal.
Judicial authorities confirmed that the defendant frequently attempted to approach the victim after she rejected his proposal.
“The family had also requested a restraining order against him more than two months ago,” Al Jazeera quoted the prosecutor's office as saying.
Graphic videos of the incident that have been circulating online show the man stabbing the victim several times before bystanders intervened and stopped him.
INTERNET SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Gv8SZdD6s8m92QtGq3LDHSCX7NRX87sGE6AB7Rid4bcahqKJYbSwdf3tsNqixuial&id=100066689583173
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Mohamed Adel (left) faces execution for killing university of Mansoura student Naira Ashraf, whose family are pictured. Picture: Getty [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/killer-to-be-hanged-on-live-tv-egypt-after-stabbing-classmate/] |
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"If a man is a danger to the community, threatening it with disintegration by some wrongdoing of his, then his execution for the healing and preservation of the common good is to be commended. Only the public authority, not private persons, may licitly execute malefactors by public judgment. Men shall be sentenced to death for crimes of irreparable harm or which are particularly perverted." St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, 11; 65-2; 66-6. [PHOTO SOURCE: http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2016/01/saint-thomas-aquinas-on-death-penalty.html] |
Naira Ashrah’s mother says her daughter can now ‘rest in peace’ following capital punishment ruling
Photo of Al-Masry Al-Youm Al-Masry Al-YoumJune 29, 2022
Naira Ashraf, the Mansoura University's victim
The mother of slain Mansoura University student Naira Ashraf said on Tuesday that her daughter can now rest in peace after her killer was sentenced to capital punishment.
Sana Saeed, Ashraf’s mother, said that her daughter would be happy after the verdict.
“I felt that hers right were reclaimed by this ruling,” she said.
During a telephone interview with the “Yahdoth fi Misr” (Happening in Egypt) program on MBC Misr Saeed said “We are happy with this ruling, and we feel that our fire has cooled.”
“I thank everyone who has done charitable work for my daughter, including alms and donations.”
Khaled Abdel-Rahman, attorney for Ashraf, praised the speedy verdict on her killer, adding: “We did not expect that Naira’s right returns today.”
During a telephone interview with TV host Ahmed Moussa on the privately owned satellite channel Sada al-Balad, Abdel-Rahman praised the Minister of Justice and the Prosecution General for moving the case quickly.
He added that if there was no speed in the trial procedures for the murderer, there would have been a victim every day, stressing that the crisis goes beyond Ashraf’s case.
Abdel-Rahman likened the killer of the Mansoura student to militants of the Islamic State in Sinai.
The Mansoura Criminal Court on Tuesday sentenced the murderer of Naira Ashraf to death by hanging.
It referred the death sentence of the defendant to the Grand Mufti Shawky Allam for approval.
The court set the session for July 6 to read the final verdict.
A referral to the mufti is required in the Egyptian court system ahead of death sentences, even though the mufti’s opinion is advisory, not binding.
The Public Prosecutor referred the defendant Mohamed Adel on Wednesday to trial before to the Criminal Court over charges of premeditated murder of Ashraf.
The referral decision came 48 hours after the accident.
This was in coordination with the competent court of appeals and the first court sessions were set.
The Public Prosecution had established evidence before the accused from the testimony of 25 witnesses, including students, university security personnel, and shop workers in the vicinity of the incident.
The victim’s family and friends also testified that the defendant used to harass and threaten the victim with harm because she refused to marry him after he proposed to her, and he tried more than once to force her to do so, which led them to report him to the police.
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Both Naira and Adel attended Mansoura University (Image: CEN) [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/man-who-killed-student-21-27581034] |
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If the criminal taking of a human life does not merit forfeiture of one's own life, then what value have we placed on the life taken? - Pat Buchanan [PHOTO SOURCE: https://quozio.com/quote/5hvg8xggccvn/1318/if-the-criminal-taking-of-a-human-life-does-not-merit] Article: http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2015/11/scalia-v-pope-whos-right-on-death.html |
Man who killed student, 21, when she rejected him could be hanged in live TV execution
An Egyptian court appealed to parliament for 21-year-old convicted killer Mohamed Abel to be executed on live TV. It hopes the broadcast will act as a deterrent
Benjamin Lynch News Reporter
14:23, 26 Jul 2022
Updated14:27, 26 Jul 2022
The execution of a killer could be broadcast live on TV after he was found guilty of the murder of a woman who rejected him.
Mohamed Adel, 21, was given a death sentence after he was found to have killed his classmate by brutally stabbing her in Egypt.
The court appealed to Egyptian MPs in the country's parliament to air to live the execution with the hope that it will put people off committing a similar crime.
In its letter, the court wrote: "The broadcast, even if only part of the start of proceedings, could achieve the goal of deterrence, which was not achieved by broadcasting the sentencing itself."
INTERNET SOURCE: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/man-who-killed-student-21-27581034
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A painting of Naira Ashraf [PHOTO SOURCE: https://egyptindependent.com/naira-ashrahs-mother-says-her-daughter-can-now-rest-in-peace-following-capital-punishment-ruling/] |
Mahasiswi Mesir Dibunuh karena Menolak Lamaran Pernikahan | tvOne Minute
Egyptian student killed for refusing marriage proposal | tvOne Minute
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwj6uSoSd2A
RUMBLE VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v1e9eet-public-execution-recommended-for-naira-ashrafs-murderer.html
BITCHUTE VIDEO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/82cPPaL8UaUe/
VKontakte Video: https://vk.com/wall-184585082_668 .... https://vk.com/video-184585082_456239074
The Gambia's former spy chief sentenced to death for murder of political activist
The judgment is quite diligently done, and the sentences are befitting. The perpetrators of the murder committed it with disdain and quite deliberately because they thought they were invincible until justice caught up with them. It signals that anybody holding power must not abuse power because the arms of justice are long. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0wM1A3StdncdtnSckyvyyiL8nfW8BnYaMtwr68RPRWMtPE7rcWNpAMTCBJT1DzeCbl&id=100066689583173
VFFDP (DP opponent changes his mind) {Jamaica}:
MP supports notice of death penalty for accused in Clarendon killings
VFFDP {Jamaica}:
As news came of charges bring laid against Barnett on Friday, reactions came fast and furious, including for him to be given the death penalty, a sentence that remains on the books, but which has not been used for many years.
'Him can’t eat taxpayer money' ---- Cocoa Piece family backs death penalty
Seek the DP {Jamaica}:
Death penalty sought for accused in murder of mom and her 4 kids
Speaking to Republic TV, the slain BJP leader's father said, "Praveen had three sisters and a wife who were not working as of now. The entire family is in debt. He was the only bread earner for them. The accused should be arrested and get a death sentence."
Mother of murdered Helen McCourt says she will NEVER forgive her killer and 'prays he is in hell' after pub landlord refused to reveal where he dumped her body before his death aged 65 last month
The victim's family wants the execution to be carried out. In a letter to the parole board, the victim's son, Mitch Hale, called Coddington evil.
“The focus is on the pain and suffering of the victim, and we’re very conscientious about what we do,” Broussard said. “Every DA’s office can run however they want to run. But when it comes to capital cases and our decision of whether we’re seeking the death penalty, it’s not it’s not some decision that’s just made on a whim. It’s something we discuss. It’s something we ponder and arguably, we have more experience in that topic than anyone else.” https://vk.com/wall-184585082_667
VFFDP Capital Punishment Article {Arizona}:
Arizona has resumed capital punishment in the pursuit of justice
EDITORIAL: Death Penalty: Justice demands patience